Derek Frome

AMA: Twilio Former Sr Product Marketing Manager, Derek Frome on Messaging

September 5 @ 10:00AM PST
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Twilio Former Sr Product Marketing Manager, Derek Frome on Messaging
Top Questions
Derek Frome
Derek Frome Vice President MarketingSeptember 6
Painted door tests are your friend here (google it). You could create two or three landing pages with different message variants, each of which leads to a "request access" form. Depending on what your campaign is for, your message testing could be as simple as running it by product managers or ac......Read More
3 requests
How do you develop messaging that grabs attention in a crowded market?
We're in the sales development space and it's hyper competitive. It's hard to create messaging that cuts through the noise of all of our other competitors.
Derek Frome
Derek Frome Vice President MarketingSeptember 6
I'm going to take a somewhat contrarian view on this and say that in order to really break through in a crowded market, it takes more than clever messaging (though that never hurts). You have to position your product correctly and you have to prove that you are better. Now would be the time to in......Read More
8 requests
Derek Frome
Derek Frome Vice President MarketingSeptember 6
I'll take a more extreme position on this question. You're setting yourself up for failure by asking us how to "defend" your messaging. Instead, I'd ask you to listen to those people who you are used to "defending" your messaging from. It's not your messaging - give up that pride of ownership in ......Read More
4 requests
Derek Frome
Derek Frome Vice President MarketingSeptember 6
To me, a solution is a prescriptive collection of products and features that solve a well-defined problem for your customer. A product is anything you could conceivably sell on its own, but a product can also be a collection of other products. A feature is a component piece of a product that adds......Read More
9 requests