Caroline Walthall

AMA: Quizlet Director of Product Marketing, Caroline Walthall on Messaging

May 16 @ 10:00AM PST
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Quizlet Director of Product Marketing, Caroline Walthall on Messaging
Top Questions
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
When messaging in a known category, there are two ends of the spectrum: differentiate or blend in. The best approach is usually finding some blend of the two. As marketers, we’re often taught to focus on our “UVP” (unique value proposition) or “USP” (unique selling proposition), but there are abs...Read More
3 requests
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
At the end of the day, A/B testing messaging in the wild will get you the furthest, fastest. There are several ways to do this. 1. You can argue for some test budget to test messages in paid ads. Especially if you’re planning on using this messaging for brand marketing or demand gen, it...Read More
4 requests
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
I'll give a spicy answer here. Build your own messaging framework. Sure you can borrow from things you see online, but you'll learn a lot about what feels essential to include when you work through the process on your own. Frameworks only get you so far. You have to know what you need for your pa...Read More
4 requests
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
I don’t have a magic bullet for this, because it can be a real challenge to align all your stakeholders ahead of a launch. At the end of the day, there are few habits you can learn to make things run smoothly: 1. Make sure you have a clear DACI framework with an executive sponsor to back yo...Read More
3 requests
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
I think it's important to consider your both your conviction level and your interest and need to defend your messaging choices. Sometimes it's worth shipping changes without quantifying the exact impact because you know it's the right thing to do. Most of the time, however, if you're intellectual...Read More
3 requests
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
It depends how many cycles you can afford to spend, but my ideal flow is a five-step process: 1. Draft positioning strategy and possible positioning angles 2. Draft creative copy with the support of AI tools, colleagues, and copywriters 3. Test different succinct messages against each o...Read More
3 requests
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
It’s likely no secret that generative AI can be a helpful thought partner and writing sidekick to any PMM. If you haven’t started experimenting with ways to integrate it, there is no time like the present. In the last few months, I’ve been loving using the “Copywriter GPT” on ChatGPT to ask for l...Read More
1 request
What are some effective strategies for writing clear and compelling messaging?
This is something I've been struggling with since becoming a PMM
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
* A few rapid fire thoughts on writing clear and compelling messaging: * Start by writing your messages in simpler plain English and don’t worry too much about how it sounds yet * Ask yourself, “so what,” and “who cares?” Does it pass the sniff test? * If not, make sure...Read More
1 request
Caroline Walthall
Caroline Walthall
Quizlet Director of Product and Lifecycle MarketingMay 16
* A few years ago, we had a bit of long-running internal debate about whether our target audience was more interested in “customization” or “guided study.” There was a product philosophy that we should offer guided options as much as possible to reduce friction. While that premise made ...Read More
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