Joann Guo

AMA: Spotify Associate Director, Growth Marketing, Joann Guo on Growth Marketing Strategy

February 29 @ 10:00AM PST
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Spotify Associate Director, Growth Marketing, Joann Guo on Growth Marketing Strategy
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Joann Guo
Joann Guo
Spotify Associate Director, Growth MarketingMarch 1
In growth marketing, data analysis plays a pivotal role in driving performance and informing strategic decisions. By leveraging data, we gain valuable insights into the customer journey, allowing us to identify areas of friction and opportunities for optimization. One of the primary tools we uti......Read More
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Joann Guo
Joann Guo
Spotify Associate Director, Growth MarketingMarch 1
In growth marketing, our strategy revolves around addressing the entire customer journey funnel, encompassing both acquisition and retention efforts. While our primary focus is on acquiring leads through targeted acquisition initiatives, we understand that retaining existing customers is equally ......Read More
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Joann Guo
Joann Guo
Spotify Associate Director, Growth MarketingMarch 1
We implement a quarterly planning cycle to structure our experimentation process effectively. This timeline allows us to conduct experiments that typically span over four weeks or more to ensure statistically significant results. During the planning phase, we prioritize experiments based on thei......Read More
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Joann Guo
Joann Guo
Spotify Associate Director, Growth MarketingMarch 1
* Objective and KPI: Start by clearly defining your primary objective and KPIs. It's crucial to be realistic and focus on one primary objective and corresponding KPI to track progress effectively. * Target Audience: Identify your primary target audience. Understanding your audience's ......Read More
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Joann Guo
Joann Guo
Spotify Associate Director, Growth MarketingMarch 1
In structuring a growth marketing team, it's essential to tailor the approach to the specific context and maturity of the organization. In startups or smaller organizations, where agility and innovation are paramount, a 'growth pod' model can be highly effective. This model typically consists of ......Read More
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