Christy Roach
Christy Roach
VP of Marketing at AssemblyAI
Jiong Liu
Jiong Liu
Senior Director of Product Marketing at Wiz
Jenna Crane
Jenna Crane
Head of Product Marketing at Klaviyo
Formerly Drift, Dropbox, Upwork
Priyanka Srinivasan
Priyanka Srinivasan
Vice President Product Marketing at Verkada
Priya Gill
Priya Gill
Head of Global Marketing at SurveyMonkey
Jeffrey Vocell
Jeffrey Vocell
Head of Product Marketing at Panorama Education
Formerly Narvar, Iterable, HubSpot, IBM
Mary Sheehan
Mary Sheehan
Head of Lightroom Product Marketing at Adobe
Formerly Google, AdRoll
Jasmine Jaume
Jasmine Jaume
Director, Product Marketing at Intercom
Alina Fu
Alina Fu
Director, Copilot for Microsoft 365 at Microsoft
Amanda Groves
Amanda Groves
VP of Product Marketing at Enable
Formerly Crossbeam, 6sense, JazzHR, Imagine Learning, Appsembler
Jennifer Ottovegio
Jennifer Ottovegio
Fmr Director of Product Marketing at Narvar
Robin Fontaine
Robin Fontaine
Senior Product Marketing Lead at Shopify
Daniel Waas
Daniel Waas
Vice President Product Marketing at AppFolio, Inc.
Angela Zhang
Angela Zhang
Head of Technical Product Marketing at Asana
Elizabeth Grossenbacher
Elizabeth Grossenbacher
Product Marketing Leader at Cisco
Formerly Twilio, Gartner, Cisco
Akshay Kerkar
Akshay Kerkar
Head of Product Marketing, Emerging Products at Stripe
Bonnie Chiurazzi
Bonnie Chiurazzi
Director of Market Insights at Glassdoor
Ajit Ghuman
Ajit Ghuman
Director of Product Management - Pricing & Packaging, CXP at Twilio
Formerly Narvar, Medallia, Helpshift, Feedzai,
Brandon McGraw
Brandon McGraw
Senior Director, Head of Product Marketing at DoorDash
Stacey Wang
Stacey Wang
Director of Product Marketing at Ironclad, Inc.
Dee Dee Wolverton
Dee Dee Wolverton
Product & Instructor Marketing, Director at Udemy
James Huddleston
James Huddleston
Head of Marketing at Skedulo
Alex Gammelgard
Alex Gammelgard
Product Marketing at Trusted Health
Alexa Schirtzinger
Alexa Schirtzinger
Head of Marketing at Watershed
Lauren Buchman
Lauren Buchman
Director of Product Marketing at Tailscale
Formerly Cloudflare, Google Cloud, Google Developers, Observable, Orb
Nikhil Balaraman
Nikhil Balaraman
Senior Director Product Marketing at Roofstock
Anthony Kennada
Anthony Kennada
CEO at AudiencePlus
Manav Khurana
Manav Khurana
Chief Product Officer at New Relic
Anjali T. Cameron
Anjali T. Cameron
Head of Marketing at Landed
Lauren Barraco
Lauren Barraco
VP, Marketing at Inscribe
Swaroop Sham
Swaroop Sham
Group Product Marketing Manager - (CIAM / API Products) at Wiz
Jane Reynolds
Jane Reynolds
Director of Product & Brand Marketing, Match Group North America at Match Group
Lizzie Yarbrough de Cantor
Lizzie Yarbrough de Cantor
Director of Product Marketing, Risk at AuditBoard
Rajendran Nair
Rajendran Nair
Vice President Product Marketing at Medallia
Catlyn Origitano
Catlyn Origitano
VP Product & Portfolio Marketing at Fivetran
Josh Bean
Josh Bean
Head of Marketing at webAI