AMA: Asana Head of Product Operations, Saikat Paul on Product Roadmap & Prioritization
March 26 @ 10:00AM PT
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We will email you Saikat's answers
to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
How do you determine how much of your roadmap should be focused on existing customers vs prospects?
How does your product team usually work with your product marketing team with building the roadmap?
What framework should I use to prioritize either dedicating engineering resources to build out product functionality or just using a 3rd party service?
It’s impossible to get our exec team to focus on one segment. How do I balance prioritizing my roadmap while building for different segments?
Where do ideas for new features come from? How do you decide which ones to build?
What are some of the lenses your look through or principles you apply when prioritizing a roadmap? How are they weighted relative to each other?
It seems like a PM role is stretched in multiple directions - business goals, engineering, customer satisfaction etc. How do you determine what's more important to focus on?
What different approaches are there to help stakeholders focus on their needs I.e. things they would use for MVP vs a later version of the product
Does it make sense to use quarterly format for roadmaps? Do you do capacity planning for roadmap items that are more than 6 months out?
Move Items on Roadmap: What are your suggestions for product leads when they need to efficiently explain that an item on the roadmap needs to move because some other item has become more important?
We are required to write long docs and spend hours on creating decks for leadership which is not the best use of time