Dave Steer

AMA: Cloudflare Former Head of Product Marketing, Dave Steer on Product Launch and GTM Strategy

July 28 @ 10:00AM PST
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Cloudflare Former Head of Product Marketing, Dave Steer on Product Launch and GTM Strategy
Top Questions
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
Identifying and prioritizing channels to reach your target audience is key to any product launch. Typically, my channel goal is to surround the audience with a repeated, salient, and consistent message. Depending on the business objective (note to product marketers: clarify the business objectiv......Read More
3 requests
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
I answered a previous question about measuring success of a product post-launch, but it’s worth diving more deeply into KPIs for the launch itself.  The most important step here is to tie your KPIs to the marketing objectives and strategies that you are adopting. For example, if you’re launchi......Read More
6 requests
How do you decide when a product launch has ended in order to determine the success of the 'launch'?
Product is being iterated all the time, so where exactly do you consider to be the end of a product launch period.
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
Good question, since not defining the time period can lead to a fuzzy idea of impact. You can't just move the goal post out. Sorry. I typically define the product launch timeframe by the set of activities that are uniquely associated with the launch itself. Some product launches are specific t......Read More
3 requests
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
I’ve had my fair share of challenging product launches in my career. The Tier 2s that you desperately want to become a Tier 1. The launches that you, as a product marketer, learn about 48 hours before the launch. Those are painful. But the most difficult have been in the areas of Trust & Safety,......Read More
3 requests
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
Creativity takes discipline, and over the years I’ve developed a few habits to keep font of creativity alive for all projects, including product launches. Here are my top three: First, I’m an avid observer (read: marketing geek) of product launches from other companies. When I see something cool......Read More
2 requests
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
Like the answer to a previous question in this AMA, it is good to make a distinction between Go to Market process and Product Launch process, as there may be marketplace or cultural differences region-by-region that impact the long-term adoption of your product. For Product Launches, we typicall......Read More
2 requests
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
I love this question because it widens the aperture from product launch to go-to-market plan. The product launch is an important part of the go-to-market plan, but the launch only represents one (really important) point in time. I like to think of the product launch as the rocket booster that you......Read More
8 requests
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
Changing your positioning is a big deal. So much of your Go to Market plan relies on a positioning strategy that is well thought out and embraced by your company.  Whenever I need to manage a change to positioning, I start with understanding whether the real need is to change the positioning o......Read More
3 requests
Dave Steer
Dave Steer
GitLab Vice President of Product MarketingJuly 28
Overall, you want to be looking at metrics that give you an understanding of success (e.g. adoption, revenue, word-of-mouth), inform tweaks to your messaging, and future direction of the product. These metrics may differ between B2B and B2C products, especially around Sales Enablement. Post laun......Read More
2 requests