Andy Yen

AMA: ServiceNow Senior Manager, Global Partner Marketing, Andy Yen on Competitive Messaging

January 17 @ 10:00AM PST
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ServiceNow Senior Manager, Global Partner Marketing, Andy Yen on Competitive Messaging
Top Questions
What's your cross-channel messaging development process?
How much do you tailor the messaging for your specific marketing channels, what informs this and how do you measure that it's effective for the channel?
Andy Yen
Andy Yen
ServiceNow Global Partner Marketing DirectorJanuary 17
One of the most exciting opportunities in partner marketing is to scale messaging across different channels. Some of these channels may be new to your company and your core marketing team, and you'll learn a ton by collaborating with other marketers across these channels. But it's also critical t......Read More
2 requests
Andy Yen
Andy Yen
ServiceNow Global Partner Marketing DirectorJanuary 17
I've taken two professional development courses on messaging (Pragmatic Marketing, Magnetic Speaking Messaging Course), and several marketing courses online and through school.  My major takeaway from all of these courses is that marketing is about influence, and as a marketer you need to be t......Read More
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Andy Yen
Andy Yen
ServiceNow Global Partner Marketing DirectorJanuary 17
The frameworks that I use for positioning and messaging have changed over time, as I've advanced in my marketing career in enterprise tech. Earlier in my career (when I was in product marketing), we would approach positioning and messaging for a major product launch. There were a few frameworks t......Read More
3 requests
Andy Yen
Andy Yen
ServiceNow Global Partner Marketing DirectorJanuary 17
I've worked in enterprise tech for most of my career (SAP, Oracle, ServiceNow). To be honest, I think the biggest competitor that I've always come across is the status quo (doing nothing) since there are so many influencers and decision-makers in an enterprise tech sales cycle.  Here are the m......Read More
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