Rupali Jain

AMA: Optimizely Chief Product Officer, Rupali Jain on Product Innovation

December 6 @ 10:00AM PST
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Optimizely Chief Product Officer, Rupali Jain on Product Innovation
Top Questions
Rupali Jain
Rupali Jain
Optimizely Chief Product OfficerDecember 7
Staying updated on emerging trends and technologies is important for ensuring that products remain competitive and relevant in the market. A caution however is to ensure that I spend more time understanding customer needs than simply focusing on the broad market trends. i.e. in a hypothetical wor......Read More
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Rupali Jain
Rupali Jain
Optimizely Chief Product OfficerDecember 7
To generate new product ideas, get a cross functional mix of folks who know their stuff about your business and customers. Then, dive in to a brainstorm using Jobs-to-Be-Done or Design Thinking—these methods are top-notch for brainstorming. There are different flavors to this, but I'm not prescri......Read More
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Rupali Jain
Rupali Jain
Optimizely Chief Product OfficerDecember 7
I firmly believe that companies need to democratize sourcing of breakthrough ideas across the organization. No single "innovation" team/squad should be designated to create the ideas. Fostering an environment conducive to creativity, exploration, and risk-taking is critical to democratize innova......Read More
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Rupali Jain
Rupali Jain
Optimizely Chief Product OfficerDecember 7
Balancing big bets and incremental improvements on a product roadmap is essential for long-term success. I believe in a strategic blend that aligns with the company vision, market demands and lifecycle of the product By definition "Big Bets" are are game-changers, high-impact initiatives that ......Read More
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Rupali Jain
Rupali Jain
Optimizely Chief Product OfficerDecember 7
The answer really depends on the size and scope of the idea. Making a case for a big idea is a mix of storytelling and hard facts. Here's my approach 1. Start with the Story: Describe the problem your breakthrough idea tackles. Paint a vivid picture of why it's a big deal—make it relatabl......Read More
2 requests
Rupali Jain
Rupali Jain
Optimizely Chief Product OfficerDecember 7
There are several traps that product managers fall into when innovating on existing products. I'm outlining a few key ones below Trap: One common misstep is getting too comfortable with the status quo and confusing iteration with innovation. Product managers often fall into a routine, focusing......Read More
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