Aleks Bass

AMA: Typeform Vice President Product Management, Aleks Bass on Establishing Product Management

March 19 @ 10:00AM PST
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Typeform Vice President Product Management, Aleks Bass on Establishing Product Management
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Aleks Bass
Aleks Bass
Typeform Vice President Product ManagementMarch 19
Embarking on the journey as the inaugural Head of Product Management in a startup without a pre-existing product management framework is both a unique challenge and a significant opportunity. Your first 90 days are essential for laying a robust foundation, aligning the team around shared goals, a......Read More
2 requests
Aleks Bass
Aleks Bass
Typeform Vice President Product ManagementMarch 19
Elevating design to a more strategic role within the product development process is essential for creating products that not only meet the functional needs of users but also deliver exceptional experiences. I advocate for integrating design early and deeply into the product strategy, ensuring tha......Read More
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Aleks Bass
Aleks Bass
Typeform Vice President Product ManagementMarch 19
When looking at the landscape of product management across different scales of companies, it's evident that the core principles remain consistent: understand your users, solve their problems, and deliver value. However, the application of these principles and the day-to-day realities of product m......Read More
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Aleks Bass
Aleks Bass
Typeform Vice President Product ManagementMarch 19
In the quest to find the right addition to our product management team, I focus on a set of non-negotiable traits that I believe are crucial for success in this role. These traits not only reflect the individual's ability to contribute effectively to our team but also their potential to drive our......Read More
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Aleks Bass
Aleks Bass
Typeform Vice President Product ManagementMarch 19
Navigating a team where product discovery and delivery are split can be likened to steering a ship where the mapmakers and sailors operate in silos. My aim would be to bridge these worlds, ensuring that the one who charts the course is also part of the journey to the destination. Here's how I'd a......Read More
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