Alissa Lydon

AMA: Dovetail Product Marketing Lead, Alissa Lydon on Market Research

May 9 @ 10:00AM PST
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Dovetail Product Marketing Lead, Alissa Lydon on Market Research
We will email you Alissa's answers to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
Questions must be topic related and not promotional. (250 character limit)
Top Questions
What is your preferred framework for defining the persona, the buyer pain points and elaborating on use cases?
How do you collect, analyze and share your customer feedback?
I feel like my customer feedback is scattered throughout surveys, Google docs, Google sheets, Salesforce, and Slack... It's pretty tough to get an over-arching view of my customer feedback on an on-going basis. Do you use any tools or have advice on how to collect, analyze and share your customer feedback?
What role does User Experience research play as the key driver for both product marketing and design teams to align behind the same end user needs?
How do you decide which market research questions will move the needle most for your company?
How do you start an effective Voice of Customer (VoC) program on a shoe-string budget?
What research do you do upfront to inform your plan for opening new markets?
How do you organise/synthesise data for creating personas?
I am in the process of developing personas, and the data will come from multiple sources such as reviews, interviews, and internal insight. Do you have a tool, template or best practices for organising the insights to then turn into personas?
How do you establish research as a product marketing function when there is a UX research team already owning most research initiatives?
And how to you create ownership of that function when UX research believes they should be the sole owner of all research?
How do you get quality market research data creatively, without leveraging market research reports that cost thousands of dollars?
How do you decide whether to engage an outside research vendor vs. doing scrappy research yourself?
How do you decide what data points to gather when doing market research?
How do you recommend researching on a very limited budget?
How do i use multiple customer quotes and case study stats to create a 2 pager sales enablement asset?
Im not sure how i can structure this document, but i have (numbers) on how our product benefited the customer and why they chose us over a competitor and multiple quotes from different customers. What is the best way to tell a story?