Sean Lauer

AMA: Former MURAL Senior Director, Product Marketing, Sean Lauer on Product Launches

August 23 @ 10:00AM PST
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Former MURAL Senior Director, Product Marketing, Sean Lauer on Product Launches
Top Questions
Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
When launching a product, there are different approaches depending on whether the target audience is a business or individual consumer. B2C launches aim for broad appeal and emotional connections, while B2B launches focus on building relationships and understanding the specific needs and challeng......Read More
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Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
It's important to track KPIs after launching a product to gain valuable insights into its initial performance and market reception. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind: 1. Product adoption rate: This metric measures how quickly and extensively your target audience is adopting the ......Read More
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Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
During a product launch, it's common for certain areas to be overlooked. Below are key areas that might be neglected and the reasons for their oversight: * Customer education: It's easy to assume that a good product is intuitive, but providing educational resources like tutorials, webinars......Read More
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Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
After a product launch, the immediate period is crucial for ensuring the product's long-term success. The following are six key factors to consider during this phase: 1. User onboarding: Equip users with resources (tutorials, documentation, etc.) to ensure seamless adoption. 2......Read More
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Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
To ensure a successful product launch, it is important to create buyer personas that are tailored to your target audience. Here is a high level process for building these personas: 1. Research and analysis: * Conduct a market analysis to understand the industry landscape, trends, ......Read More
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Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
When launching a product, it is important to choose the right channels to promote it. This involves using both data and strategy to make informed decisions. Here are some key factors to consider: 1. Audience: Know your target audience and where they spend their time. This could include in......Read More
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Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
When introducing a second product, the success of its launch depends on how it fits into the company's existing offering. There are several factors to consider: 1. If the second product complements the first, the focus should skew toward current customers and leverage the trust already es......Read More
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Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
Before launching a product, it's important to conduct thorough testing and validation. Gathering feedback from the target audience can reveal valuable insights that can be used to improve the product. When collecting feedback, focus on product functionality, overall experience, and perceived valu......Read More
1 request
Sean Lauer
Sean Lauer
Instruqt VP of MarketingAugust 24
When entering a competitive market, it's crucial to carefully evaluate your launch messaging to ensure maximum impact. There are three key factors to consider: 1. Clarity and relevance - your message must be clear and address the primary pain points of your target audience. Avoid jargon a......Read More
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