Candace Marshall

AMA: Zendesk Senior Director, Product Marketing, Candace Marshall on Messaging

November 21 @ 9:00AM PST
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We will email you Candace's answers to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
For products that serve both B2B and B2C, how do you bring about a differentiation between their B2B and B2C Product Marketing since there might be a lot of overlap of Personas and JTBD (Jobs to Be Done) across both?
As a product marketer how would they tell the story to both sides of the coin, where it's the same user but their JTBD has changed.
How do you validate your messaging and positioning once you've already finalized them?
How do you decide between the core vs. the non core offerings when doing messaging?
What is a good way to organize internal messaging docs for a product with many vertical use cases?
When you have several ICPs in a global market, how do you separate the messaging on your website? Are “solutions” pages enough? Should we have TOF content for each ICP?
Do you think SaaS companies should prioritize specific value propositions over high-level messaging, and if so, how can large, multifaceted companies achieve that level of clarity?
The brilliant PMM consultant Anthony Pierri often posts on LinkedIn about how SaaS companies tend to default to vague, high-level messaging, especially on places like their home pages. So much so, that sometimes you can read a company's home page and still not know what they do. His recommendation is for startups to be extremely specific about what they actually do... not what the high level outcomes (like ROI or revenue) are. Do you share that perspective? If yes, how can big companies who do MANY different things get specific like that?
How do you choose between use case messaging vs persona based messaging?
As a Platform Solutions company, what is the best way to segment and deliver messaging for our product lines individually and as a platform?
IE. Umbrella company with 3 SaaS products underneath, all can be plug and play in same dashboard. We need help defining messaging using terms such as solution, product, tools, features, etc.
What frameworks, besides user personas, can help us understand our customers so we can improve messaging?
Can you validate product messaging via website testing on a small percentage of traffic?
Can you share an example of how you built messaging for a product launch?
Not the framework used, but the actual process flow from start to finish using a previous product launch.
How do you handle disagreements about who is the ICP for your product?
You feel the need to message on point for an ICP type "A", but you're getting pushback from the team that the ICP is "G". Should you follow you gut or do some form of A/B to please everyone?
What are the steps to tell a compelling platform story while focusing on individual products?