Josh Chang

AMA: HubSpot Director, Data & Analytics, Revenue Operations, Josh Chang on Revenue Ops 30 / 60 / 90 Day Plan

November 15 @ 10:00AM PST
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What should you aim to do in your first month and your first quarter?
You're the new revenue operations manager for a B2B SaaS company that has 40 people and is starting to scale.
Josh Chang
Josh Chang
HubSpot Director, GTM Strategy & Revenue OperationsNovember 16
In your first month, you should not only be building a great understanding of the product and business, but also what the company's go-to-market looks like across the business. Aim to understand the relationship between your key GTM functions (Sales, Marketing, Customer Success) and identify opportunities to build connection both within and across these functions while building relationships with each of these teams. Over your first quarter, you should start to build out a list of priorities focused around: * Breaking down potential silos between go-to-market functions (in particular Sales<>Marketing and Sales<> CS) - are these teams talking to each other and understand how their work relies on and impacts the other functions? * Identify core KPIs across functions and assessing if they are the right ones. But in particular, do you have success metrics that help you understand the flow of the customer journey? For example, do you have a metric that helps you understand if Marketing is driving quality leads for Sales and they are turning into revenue? * Communicating to leadership where you see opportunities and recommendations to identify gaps in your ops functions across the customer journey.
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Josh Chang
Josh Chang
HubSpot Director, GTM Strategy & Revenue OperationsNovember 16
A 30/60/90 day plan for RevOps shouldn't be too different from the plan for any other role: * 30 Days: You should be building a rock-solid understanding of the business and product, as well as your team's role in the go-to-market strategy for the company. In addition to that, start building relationships with your key stakeholders across the business (functional leads, analysts and ops people, etc.), and start to get a feel for where their pain points are. * 60 Days: Continue to build these relationships and understanding while starting to lay out a road map for connecting functional team work to the company's overall demand and GTM model. Identify gaps in knowledge and transparency where teams may have goals that aren't clearly connected to the broader company goals. * 90 Days: Have a clear road map for improvement of your company's GTM strategy by connecting success metrics and insights across functional teams to a centralized demand plan. Communicate these opportunities to the team and lay out the short and medium term wins that you hope to achieve.
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Josh Chang
Josh Chang
HubSpot Director, GTM Strategy & Revenue OperationsNovember 16
Your questions should revolve around identifying disconnects between what teams are doing day-to-day and how that flows into company revenue. A few sample questions: * Do you understand how your targets roll up to the other functional team targets and ultimately the company's revenue goal? (if the answer is not a definitive yes, you should focus on building and socializing a unified demand plan across the business) * What does success look like for you and your team? * What systems do we have in place as a business to measure success? (if those systems are very different across these functions, you have some work to do!) * What things prevent you from understanding whether or not an initiative that your team runs is working?
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Josh Chang
Josh Chang
HubSpot Director, GTM Strategy & Revenue OperationsNovember 16
Beyond the first revenue operations manager, I'd think about where your new revenue is coming from. * Are you generating most of your net new demand through marketing and acquiring net new customers? * Is a large % of your new customers and revenue coming from sales prospecting? * Or is the biggest chunk of revenue coming from your existing customer base? Assuming the first RevOps manager is working across all functions, these questions can help you determine where revenue operations resources will be most impactful on your bottom line. If it is pretty even across the board, I'd suggest focusing on a revenue operations manager who can help drive connection an integration between pillars (i.e. connecting Sales and Marketing success metrics.)
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