Lindsey DeFalco

AMA: Crossbeam VP of Product, Lindsey DeFalco on Building 0-1 Products

November 15 @ 10:00AM PST
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Crossbeam VP of Product, Lindsey DeFalco on Building 0-1 Products
Top Questions
Lindsey DeFalco
Lindsey DeFalco
Crossbeam VP of ProductNovember 16
This is heavily dependent on the type of product you are building, but you can get very far with high fidelity designs and manually "hacking" things together. I worked at a company where we "generated" (hand created) an analytics report for a customer (who was actually paying us) once a month. It......Read More
1 request
Lindsey DeFalco
Lindsey DeFalco
Crossbeam VP of ProductNovember 16
#1: Trust. You have to earn it. It's all fun and games when there is "nothing to lose" and you're a small scrappy startup. But once you have paying customers, usage targets to hit, churn numbers to report on, and revenue numbers to hit, it starts to feel harder to launch. I've been through this t......Read More
1 request
How do you go about brainstorming the right solutions in terms of coming up with user experience to address the validated problems to be solved for users
How and where do you get inspiration to determine how and what types of user experience to be built and fleshing this our in your user stories while writing PRD
Lindsey DeFalco
Lindsey DeFalco
Crossbeam VP of ProductNovember 16
Ah, brainstorming: it sounds so simple, but it can be so hard to do well. I've tried many different approaches over the years, and have found different ones successful depending on the company size, co-location of folks, etc. I'll go over my favorites, but first I want to touch on a few important......Read More
1 request
Under what circumstances is it worthwhile to pursue a 0-1 product that can be easily duplicated by a large competitor?
Often times, early product start out as features. My worry is that a competitor would just copy us and then wipe us out.
Lindsey DeFalco
Lindsey DeFalco
Crossbeam VP of ProductNovember 16
The two biggest things to ask are: "would they?" and "could they?". This is both a question of strategy and tactics - of both you, and the competitor. My first startup was a directly competitive product with multiple established players in the space, so this was a topic from day one. My second st......Read More
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