Farheen Noorie

AMA: Zendesk Senior Director of Product Management, Farheen Noorie on Product Management Interviews

September 24 @ 10:00AM PST
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Zendesk Senior Director of Product Management, Farheen Noorie on Product Management Interviews
We will email you Farheen's answers to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
Questions must be topic related and not promotional. (250 character limit)
Top Questions
What technical questions can we expect for product management interviews?
How can I improve my interviewing skills for a product management role?
What skills and abilities are required to be head of product? How do candidates set themselves apart during an interview?
Do you generally recommend that candidates go 'above and beyond' in preparing for interviews by? In which situations do you recommend this approach or not?
What are some of the most common red flags you've come across either on a candidate's resume or initial interview that you'd advise future product managers to avoid?
What do you screen for in product interviews that other product leaders don't screen for?
What are the most common mistakes you see candidates make during an interview for a product management position?
What's a typical product manager career path?
What is your favorite product management interview question and the best answer you've heard?
What are some behavioral questions you would ask candidates in a PM interview for a Director level role?
What do you look for in a product management resume for a mid-senior role? How does someone standout in a resume pool?
What are the key questions you like to ask and why? How would the proper answers to your questions look like?
As a hiring manager, what do the best product management candidates have in common?