Claire Drumond

AMA: Atlassian Sr. Director, Head of Product Marketing, Jira and Jira suite, Claire Drumond on Influencing the Product Roadmap

August 20 @ 9:00AM PST
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Atlassian Sr. Director, Head of Product Marketing, Jira and Jira suite, Claire Drumond on Influencing the Product Roadmap
We will email you Claire's answers to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
Questions must be topic related and not promotional. (250 character limit)
Top Questions
What's the best way to partner with product on market research to help with gathering insights and buy-in?
How do you influence/convince your team to implement your research?
How do you work with the Product team to get them to commit to a roadmap? How do you "sell" them the idea that it is important?
Specially for B2B products, where your buyers are companies that need visibility for their own developments
What are best ways to develop a great working relationship with product management counterparts?
Weekly status, shared google docs, etc
How do you influence product roadmap when big picture product vision hasn't been established and there are continuous changes?
How do you partner with product/product strategy early before the roadmap is finalized and what role does your PMM team play specifically in the early phases?
What does the handover process look like between PM/PMM for your product roadmap?
What are common expectations of the type of feedback that alpha/beta users should provide to Product Marketing Managers and Product Managers? What are some perks or incentives that you offer for alpha/beta users?
How do you influence the product roadmap so that features and/or fixes stemming from VOC/customer feedback make it into the priority?
How do you know when you have enough solid information to put forward a product suggestion?
This ties into convincing teams that a feature or change is needed. What level of evidence or research is needed to show that a certain feature or requirement is a "must have" on the product roadmap. "The competitor has it" is not always justifiable evidence.
What are some best practices for making sure brand voice and attributes come through during the product design process?
How do you work with the sales and success teams, in conjunction with the product team, on the roadmap? What pieces of the puzzle do you own, versus your sales and success team?
How do you change the culture of your company so that product marketers have more of a voice to influence the product roadmap?
Should product marketers be "influencers" or "partners" in product roadmap decisions?
As an influencer you might just share market and customer research, competitive intel, etc. as another input for PM to consider in their own decision making; whereas if you're a true partner, you're discussing and debating with them, as equals, what product roadmap decisions should be and why, where PMs and PMMs bring different inputs and value to the table as equals. Thoughts on being an "influencer" vs. being a "partner" in guiding the product roadmap? Thank you.
What template do you use when pitching customer/prospect priorities to Product leadership?
We have data points and a long backlog of features that need to be prioritized to help us win. I'm struggling to consolidate it into a consumable format for product to digest and decide
What role does product roadmap and marketing strategy have on guiding that a product / company rebranding process?
What type of marketing activities should be considered in parallel while products are in development?
How much of your product design is data driven based on product marketing learnings and experimentation vs trusting the word of the designer?
How do you deal with product managers who don't think marketing provides value or isn't technical?
How do you influence the product roadmap without clear monetization targets for new features/products?
It's clear there is an opportunity, but currently hard to see how big of an opportunity.
What are some tips for helping drive product roadmap as a product marketer if you don't have data or customer anecdotes at your disposal?
What are some specific strategies to create consistent communication and collaborative relationships with the product team as a PMM?
Work At Atlassian
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Confluence Enterprise Expansion
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Principal Product Marketing Manager, Pricing
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