What is the best way to phrase a question to get the info you need when it feels like they aren't telling you the whole story?
My two favorite technique to use when you believe a client may not be telling you the whole story is:
1) Humbling disclaimer - you can disarm a prospect who may be withholding information by humanizing the conversation and providing a humorous, self-deprecating "humbling disclaimer".
This could sound like, “I’m sorry, but I must need another cup of coffee, because I just don’t get it, can you help me understand why that may be the case?”
2) Suggestive discovery - normalize the situation or state, and then asking a question informed by your perspective to probe deeper to get to the truth.
That could sound like, “Got it, typically I’ve observed when other clients…it’s because of…to what extent would you say that is what is going on here?”
With those two tactics, you can usually get to the truth of what may be happening.