Karina Ung

Karina Ung

Sr. Technical Product Marketing Manager, Nylas


Karina Ung
Nylas Sr. Technical Product Marketing ManagerJanuary 30
While it's important to highlight the values of your product, it's crucial to make it clear what your product solves when positioning to developers. Instead of using mainstream marketing power words to evoke emotion, often used to grab attention from business buyers (which can come off as "fluffy" to developers), use words that detail how and what your product and its features do.
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Karina Ung
Nylas Sr. Technical Product Marketing ManagerJanuary 30
Traditional marketing tactics with messaging that highlight what makes your product great simply won't do justice when targeting developers. Instead of "selling," think about how to educate your audience and reach them where they are (think - where do they spend most of their time to find information online?). Make it easy for them to understand what your product and its features do. Educational content can come in various forms such as: * Up-to-date documentation * Ungated content * Access to demos and trials And last but not least, ensure the barrier to entry is low. Make it as easy as possible for developers to be successful while experiencing your product by providing self-serve resources to lookup and find, and to unblock themselves if they run into problems. 
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Credentials & Highlights
Sr. Technical Product Marketing Manager at Nylas
Knows About Developer Product Marketing, Competitive Positioning, Brand Strategy