Roee Zelcer

Roee Zelcer

Head of Sales, Products & Services, TikTok


Roee Zelcer
Roee Zelcer
TikTok Head of Sales, Products & ServicesFebruary 9
This is a very important question and one that not everyone will see eye to eye with me on this. But personally, it has never failed me up until now. There are a few elements that are common to candidates that have been proven to be successful: The first is tenacity. It is that inner hunger to learn new topics or master new skill sets. One who always finds ways to be proactive and push boundaries. When talking to candidates, I always look for a potential team member whom I will need to restrain rather than one I will need to nudge forward. The second is communication skills. A great seller is someone who you talk to and immediately comes off as connectable and relatable. Someone who has a clear understanding of the person in front of them. The third aspect would have to be very strong social and emotional intelligence. This goes hand in hand with having a client first mentality. A great candidate is one who will give the client the true sense that he puts their interest above anything. Earning that trust is key to building a long-term, healthy relationship.
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Roee Zelcer
Roee Zelcer
TikTok Head of Sales, Products & ServicesFebruary 9
Naturally, in most cases, sales teams are mainly measured against revenue. This could come in many forms such as potential revenue such as leads, MQLs, SQLs, etc., or actual revenue from active and existing clients. I think there is one main KPI that is commonly overlooked, and that is the quality of the relationship with the client. This is a critical aspect that more often than not, is not measured. And I completely understand as it is incredibly difficult to do so. While a great and trustful relationship with a client will not always correlate with revenue in the immediate term, this is the key metric that will ensure long-term partnership and mutual accountability going forward. A great sales representative will forgo short-term gains in order to build a long-term partnership.
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Roee Zelcer
Roee Zelcer
TikTok Head of Sales, Products & ServicesFebruary 9
Coming into an organization as the first sales hire puts a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. You are basically in charge of proving the validity of this function within the company. There are a few things that I would consider and act on in this position: Start with the short term. As a first hire in a sales organization, you are required to deliver results that have a very immediate impact that meets the business needs. This means focusing on some low-hanging fruits in order to deliver results within a short time frame. Build a framework. As a first hire within the team, you should make sure you document your work, and create clear guidelines and processes, with the expectation of adding additional members to the team in the future. This will ensure a smooth expansion of the team while positioning you as a thought leader and a pivotal member of this function. Go beyond your scope. As a junior sales hire, never underestimate the power of tenacity. I always invite my team members to push the boundaries and look for additional scope and responsibilities whenever they feel capable. This is a very strong signal that you are willing to take on more, and when management will face a new task at hand, they will know they can count on you.
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Roee Zelcer
Roee Zelcer
TikTok Head of Sales, Products & ServicesFebruary 9
Essentially, scaling a successful sales team all comes down to the people you hire. The members you are adding as part of your team will define the team culture. I always aim to hire people that help create a culture that fosters innovative thinking to enable growth and progress. Similar to adding ingredients to a recipe, scaling should be done slowly and steadily. Try to find the right people who share the passion, vision and values that you foster within the team. At a later stage, after you have found and hired the right people for your team, make sure you are creating a structure that will enable all team members to grow. Eventually, you will scale up to a point where you will need to develop managers within your team. Make sure that you are nurturing the right people that have the qualities that you look for to make them leaders.
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Credentials & Highlights
Head of Sales, Products & Services at TikTok
Top Sales Mentor List
Sales AMA Contributor
Knows About Influencing the C-Suite, Developing Your Sales Career, Sales Leadership