Shezana Manji

Shezana Manji

VP of Marketing, BenchSci


Shezana Manji
Shezana Manji
BenchSci VP of MarketingOctober 13
I believe most organizations product marketers are leverage as either Inbound PMMs or Outbound PMMs.  Inbound PMMs are focused on insights that feed the product roadmap; pricing and packaging, and product positioning that feeds into the marketing strategy.  Outbound PMMs are focused on go-to-ma......Read More
Shezana Manji
Shezana Manji
BenchSci VP of MarketingOctober 13
Working from a place of positive intent, some R&D teams may not realize that launch activities are as much work at building a new product/feature. They don't see all the planing and activities that go into it.  Whether or not you have program managment function: build a clear project plan for gt......Read More
Shezana Manji
Shezana Manji
BenchSci VP of MarketingOctober 13
A wise mentor once told me, there is a very big difference between being respected and being liked. You don't need your PM to like you, you need them to respect you.  With that being said, remember that as a PMM you're a strategic partner to the product management team. PMs are ultimately respon......Read More
Shezana Manji
Shezana Manji
BenchSci VP of MarketingOctober 13
If your'e missing the mark, take a step back. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the business challenge you're trying to solve (why do we need this research, what decisions will it help drive). I will share a tangable example of how we approached "how does our tech stack up" At a previ......Read More
Shezana Manji
Shezana Manji
BenchSci VP of MarketingOctober 13
As product marketers, we need customers to believe in the why (value, benefits), the how and what become proof points. This is also a critical input for the design team to create the right solution to the problem. I have never struck out by telling the PM and UX lead that I will be better at my j......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
VP of Marketing at BenchSci
Product Marketing AMA Contributor
Lives In Toronto, ontario
Knows About Product Marketing Soft and Hard Skills, Growth Product Marketing, Developer Product M......more