How would someone get into product management who is early in their career and has some project management skills?
Identify and decide on what kind of PM role you want to get into - Growth PM, Platform PM, Domain specific PM..
Understand the details and day to day of a PM role and get clarity on the hard and soft skills needed to be a good PM
Start building your hard skills and follow the right PM influencers on social media and consume their content
Build your resume based on what you learn from 1 to 3 above and start applying
Thank you for your question. To start, it’s important to note that product management and project management are distinct roles with different focuses and responsibilities, where:
Product Management is typically about creating and enhancing a product that addresses customer problems in a way that the customer is willing to pay for that solution.
Project Management is typically focused on delivering specific projects against constraints that can include scope, a fixed timeline and budget.
There are certainly some core skills including managing projects, timelines and resources that would apply well to the product management function. However, it’s not necessarily a straight path to get into product management.
If your organization has an internal product management team, I would start off with an informal conversation with a leader in that organization to understand the function, what kind of skillsets or experiences they look for, and at least express your interest in learning more. That also brings potential for consideration for future opportunities in the team, or could result in a role being created with you in mind.
If you’re seeking opportunities with a new company, or if you’re on the market and actively looking, the path may be more challenging, especially if companies are looking for product managers with some experience. In this light I would recommend:
Build your knowledge of the product management space and skillset, such as taking an online course or certificate in product management from an online course, college or university, or similar. This will demonstrate you have a baseline of knowledge in product management.
Network with Product Managers, such as connecting directly through LinkedIn, via an online community, or find a local meet up. In this way you can learn more about the role, but you may also learn of upcoming opportunities that you could be referred to.
Find a mentor who is an experienced product manager, who can give you support and guidance to help build out your skillset, and who may be able to help find you an opportunity.
Look for entry-level roles such as associate product manager, or product manager positions that seek less experience. Use the job description as your guide to help understand your fit to the role or at least identify areas you need to develop.
An alternative path to consider is through the Product Operations function, which of late is gathering a lot of focus and interest. Product Operations typically support product and engineering teams to ensure a smooth development and delivery of products, and is a role where your project management skills may align well. In Product Operations you would get valuable experience working with product management, product marketing, engineering and other functions, and have the opportunity to learn more about the 'who does what' in developing products, as well as help you identify and express your interest to be considered for future product management opportunities.
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