Sanchit Juneja
Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform), Booking.com
Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
Unlike our parents' generation, it is highly unlikely we are going to have 40 years of continuous career in a single org. Also , unlike our parents' generation, skill-sets and job definitions are highly dynamic in the industry, hence being in a state of always learning is a neccesity. Being abreast wirth industry trends, and personally invested in your growth is requited in one and all
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Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
Can't answer everything here, there is a nice video on this (of me :-) ) on youtube. To summarize in one line: know thy team, know thy stakeholders, know thy product Know thy team->know the members of your team, what their motivations and struggles are. As one of the best managers' I worked with said " you are managing people, and not resources" Know thy stakeholders->Know the people for whom you're building products for Know thy product->know where you are, where your competitors are, etc.
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Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
As you grow in the org this moves from your typical 1:1 structure to a more nuanced, influencing style which cannot be demarcated as such in an answer.. Suffice to say being a problem solver at hand, on a day to day basis is what being an PM is-> if one can manage that, everything else flows organically
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Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
Product Management, or to a large extent-most managerial roles, are dependent on influencing people with/without an official heirarchy. Specifically, to become a more influential PM, one must have high level of empathy and always seek to find common ground with your stakeholder--it doesn't matter if the stakeholder is the CTO or an Engineering Manager or a newly-minted dev. For most,It takes a lot of time to train the empathy muscle and hence this is a learned capability
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Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
Even beyond C-suite, a PM should tailor his/her message to the audience. A typical mistake aspiring leaders do whilst communicating with the leadership is get too much into nitty gritties and details, whereas an CXO, by virtue of his position, needs the information and his action points as succinctly as possible. Breaking away from this trap is key to being an effective communicator
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Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
Managing a team can be , simultaneously, the most rewarding and most frustrating aspect of your career, hence choose wisely For most, managing people becomes a forced transition in search for personal growth-> this is very dangerous, coz if you can't manage people (and people are idiosynchratic) than you and your reportees end up having a bad experience
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Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
This answer is most often sought by PMs looking to jump to the next career level Trust is earned. So if you as an PM want to establish yourself as a go-to, reliable person for your manager/stakeholder. You'll have to consistently demonstrate the skills sought in you. Establishing trust can also be sought by projjecting yourself as a Subject Matter Expert and going out of your way to tackle the most difficult problems within your org
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Booking.com Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) • May 11
Carrying forward on the question above, it is imperative for you, as the mediator, to make the stakeholders seek common ground. Practically, this could involve a common session with. both of them exxplaining the pros and cons of their polar opinions. As always, it is you 3 against the problem and not one against another. Can't stress this enough,Being a manager neccesitates being an empatethic individual
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Credentials & Highlights
Director-Product (Data Science & Machine Learning Platform) at Booking.com
Product Management AMA Contributor
Knows About Influencing the C-Suite, Influencing without Authority