When establishing a new team, what’s your first 90 days plan?
1. First 60 days Learn about the business, product, and people incl key stakeholders and team mates
2. Next 30 days - Establish a vision and plan (or update one if the team already has it) along with the team on your key business priorities and path forward
3. Next 30 days (4 months mark)
- Evangelize and gather feedback on that plan from cross-functional teams within the company
- Establish operating model and shared values for your teams (e.g. my current team values are integrity, determination and impact)
Execute and deliver value for both your products and teams.
Can't answer everything here, there is a nice video on this (of me :-) ) on youtube.
To summarize in one line: know thy team, know thy stakeholders, know thy product
Know thy team->know the members of your team, what their motivations and struggles are. As one of the best managers' I worked with said " you are managing people, and not resources"
Know thy stakeholders->Know the people for whom you're building products for
Know thy product->know where you are, where your competitors are, etc.
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