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What are the top 3 most technical skills a PMM needs to have? How do you hone these skills and talk about them during interviews?
Not sure if these are "technical skills" Product Marketing isn't a technical job, it's a communications job. But the three biggest hard skills that will help you succeed in PMM and that I interview for are.
Creative Generalist: Does the candidate bring a strong generalist marketing background. Do they understand the basics of demand gend, design, brand, video, etc. PMM is one place having a broad set of experiences is truly helpful.
Excellent Storyteller: Can the candidate tell a persuavie product driven story? Can they clearly communicate a complicated technical product? Can they write? Can they help product effectivley position a new product? These skills are a must for PMM to master. A great PMM can learn a lot of this, but having a passion and some expertise here is huge.
Cross-functional momentum maker: Can the candidate unite teams, pull people together, and insprie sales, marketing, and leadership in the name of the product? PMMs need to pull teeams together, there are a lot of ways to do this, but when PMMs are leading the charge comapnies tell a great marketing story but also become product-driven, a tough combo to get right.
Those are my 3