How do you know when messaging is working well, and when it should change?
Great messaging drives strong growth. If you have conversion issues in your funnel, messaging is a great way to rapidly experiment and see if your users don't understand your offering, or the wrong expectations are being set by your messaging. Messaging can also pave the way for necessary product improvements. Keep your product partners close, and share what you learn!
Troubleshoot the following scenarios to decide if your messaging needs a refresh:
Strong top of funnel, poor conversion- Your messaging may not map to the product experience. Your product may need to improve, or you may be bringing in the wrong type of user. Share this type of insight with your product team, as well as a plan to learn more about where the disconnect lies.
Poor top of funnel, but good conversion- You might need to revisit your audience targeting, positioning, or messaging. Or you may be pursuing a small customer cohort- can you expand to make your product more compelling to a wider range of customers?
Poor top of funnel, poor conversion- There is likely a signficant issue with messaging, targets, or your channels. Ensure that you are leveraging qualitative testing to get high quality feedback and revisit what is not working.

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