Question Page

How do you measure success in sales enablement?

Jeff Rezabek
Workyard Director of Product MarketingAugust 27

There are a few different ways to measure sales enablement success. First, align with the head of sales to understand their goal and what success looks like to them. Does it align with your company goals? Is it achievable? The success of the program should be a check box saying, "I conducted X enablement sessions." Sure, that can be a factor, but not the only one.

Based on the feedback, a few things I look into when measuring the success of a sales enablement program include:

  • Survey the Field: I run quarterly sales enablement surveys to understand changes in confidence levels selling to different personas, selling different packages, selling against different competitors, etc. The information here also gives me insights into gaps in our enablement so I can focus on building it in the next quarter.

  • Review Win Rates: Track win rates across main verticals, ICPs, and competitors. Look for dips in those win rates and seek to understand why the gaps are occurring.

  • Ask the Field: Set some time with smaller groups across the field to get honest feedback on what they need in the enablement sessions to be effective.

  • Win/Loss Interviews: Run win/loss surveys and interviews with customers/prospects to gather information on where your field is strong and where they need the most help in pitching to prospects.

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Thursday, March 27 • 12PM PT
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