Question Page

Internal buy in can be a huge driver in the success of a product launch. What are some tips for making product launches a big moment internally and building buzz?

Erica Conti
Erica Conti
Asana Director of Product Marketing | Formerly Intuit, PepsiCo, Nielsen, Wakefern Food Corp.August 8

Internal buy-in is crucial for the success of a product launch. Here are some of my tips for creating excitement and building buzz internally:

  1. Get leadership alignment and advocacy:

    • Engage leaders early about the launch and ensure they champion it across the organization

  2. Create actionable CTAs for internal audiences:

    • Encourage employees to try the product, invite customers to a launch-related event, or post about it themselves on social media channels

  3. Facilitate easy social sharing:

    • Provide pre-written posts and shareable content about the launch tailored to employees' own social networks

  4. Leverage company-wide communication channels:

    • Present at All Hands meetings and use internal forums to articulate why employees should get excited

  5. Host internal launch events:

    • Organize celebrations, treats, or giveaways to boost engagement

Driving internal buzz helps employees at your company be your best brand ambassadors!

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