What is your advice for recent college grads new to b2b product marketing?
Invest and focus on learning new things — specifically anything that can help you better understand the business/product/customer or pick up new skills, whether it’s related to your specific role or not. Volunteer to work on projects that will expand your knowledge. Ask your Product, CS, and Sales counterparts how you can help, even if the tasks are not directly within the scope of your role. I would also recommend finding a mentor within the org. Someone who can guide you with their own experiences and help you navigate difficult situations.
For any person early in their career, my biggest piece of advice is to make sure you're optimizing for learning when you are picking a role and company. Don't optimize for salary yet; you'll have plenty of time to do that later. Instead, optimize for what you'll learn. This will be a product of the role itself, your team, and the company. Find an environment that will surround you with knowledge and a culture that supports curiosity instead of stifling it. Don't forget to include soft skills as you're thinking about this.