Describe your best practice for sharing messaging pillars with others in the organization, ie post a message house to internal portal, internal webinar, share out message deck with research & personas, something else?
1 Answer
Workyard Director of Product Marketing • May 17
A few strategies that I've used to share messaging pillars with my organization include:
Creating a hub in our intranet that provides view-only access to personas and high-level messaging (I share the full messaging doc only to the teams that need it)
Conduct an internal enablement session where you go over the messaging
Bonus points if you do a Voice of the Customer enablement session where you interview the customer and rephrase their response to validate the value pillars
Create an interactive demo where you go over each value pillar and provide a customer quote that aligns to the pillar. This is useful for on-demand training for when new employees start.

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