Question Page

What is your suggestion for startups that have a product crossing the 'Chasm'. Are there any roadmaps you would suggest?

2 Answers
Nikhil Balaraman
Nikhil Balaraman
Roofstock Senior Director Product MarketingJanuary 5

The chasm framework makes it seem like there's just one magic gap that needs to be jumped across, and then you can just set your sales and marketing efforts to autopilot and go on an indefinite vacation. For some companies that may be true...Zoom definitely had an exogenous force push them across the chasm. For most, I think you're always going to be feeling like you're on the early side of the chasm staring across the strait at the promised land.

As it relates to B2B, I think the best thing to do here is really to focus on understanding the market pain points that your solution addresses, having a strong messaging framework with key value props that are backed up by case studies and strong product use cases, and then activating the channels that are best suited to speaking to your key personas.

Amanda Groves
Amanda Groves
Crossbeam Senior Director Product MarketingJune 21

Think about cannizablization. If you don't have partner ecosystem, I would invest in a roadmap that supports product expansion via ecosystem v. traditional direct sales. This will help scale product adoption into new markets at high velocity and make your product stickier. Think about an integration marketplace play and co-selling motion.

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