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What are some ways that junior and newer revenue operations managers can get greater exposure to the C-Suite?

Azim Mitha
HubSpot Director, Sales Strategy & Operations (APAC)September 6

Remember that building exposure to the C-Suite takes time and consistent effort. It's about demonstrating your value to the organization and positioning yourself as a trusted advisor. Gaining exposure to C-Suite early in your career can be beneficial for your learning, career development, & understanding of how senior leaders operate / make decisions.

Here are a few ways to consider:

  • Align your initiatives or projects with C-Suite's strategic priorities and goals. Demonstrate that your work closely aligns with company's success.

  • Use data to your advantage. Leverage data & analytics to provide actionable insights, solutions & recommendations which will influence key business metrics.

  • Collaborate closely with other departments. When you collaborate effectively across the organization, it often leads to opportunities for interaction with C-Suite members.

  • Request to participate in strategic meetings or discussions where RevOps insights can be valuable. Don't hold yourself back from sharing your expertise and solutions - your voice matters!

  • If possible, seek mentorship or guidance from a member of the C-Suite or a senior executive. They can provide valuable insights and introduce you to relevant opportunities.

  • Show leadership within your RevOps team. When you lead effectively, it's more likely that your contributions will be noticed and appreciated at higher levels.

Ken Liu
Databricks Director - Sales Strategy & Operations | Formerly GoogleJune 9

Having access to the C-suite can be helpful for your career from a learning, career growth and networking experience. Some ways to gain access to the C-suite include:

  1. Working on projects that have visibility to the C-suite

  2. Assisting with events that have C-suite attendance or sponsorship

  3. Attending all-hands, fireside chats or skip level meetings w/the C-suite

Projects w/C-Suite Visibility - you can have exposure to the C-suite through a myriad of ways, either directly in meetings or via offline channels. The key to having this exposure is to work on opportunities and projects that are on the C-suites' radar. Examples of potential opportunities include

  1. Engage on top priority projects - work with your manager to staff yourself on a company priority project that is reported to the C-suite. Through this project you may unlock opportunities to attend C-suite meetings where the project is discussed, or at least be included on comms where the C-suite opine on the project and have exposure on their thoughts.

  2. Opining on threads that have the attention of the C-suite - the C-suite may occasionally ask direct feedback from entire departments, functions or even the company. For example at Databricks the CEO sometimes sends an email to the entire company asking for input on various top-of-mind topics. Use this opportunity to provide your perspective, become viewed as a thought-leader among the C-suite, and increase your exposure to the C-suite and rest of the company

Volunteer on C-Suite Events - you can insert yourself into forums where C-suite are present by assisting in events and meetings that they're attending

  1. Volunteer at Events - the C-suite often are sponsors for various company initiatives (e.g. veterans network function, Employee Resource Group champion). See if you can help volunteer at one of these events, and this often gives you exposure to the sponsoring C-suite.

  2. Help with Exec Meetings - Additionally, you can sometimes join C-suite meetings if you help with organizing or prepping their meetings. For example, by helping with organizing the meeta agenda or content, or helping capture meetings notes, you may be able to earn a seat in the meeting. Even if you're not in the meeting, you may still be involved in email threads/slack discussions related to the meeting which gives you exposure.

Attend Forums w/the C-suite - many companies, especially those that are mid-size or smaller, often hold all-hands with the C-suite where they open up the floor or message boards to the company for Q&A. There are also occasional fireside chats or skip level meetings with members of the C-suite. Take advantage of these 'free' opportunities to engage w/the C-suite.

Some additional thoughts re: C-Suite Exposure

  1. Non CXO exposure - you can often learn just as much by having access to non CXO leadership. Ask your mentor, manager and others who you trust for the names of leaders from which you can learn. Additionally, these employees may have more bandwidth and/or opportunities and projects where you can have exposure to them. Employ the same strategies noted above to gain access to them.

  2. CXO debriefs - even if you can't have direct exposure to the C-suite, you can learn a great deal indirectly from the C-suite by regularly asking for key take-aways and general notes from C-suite meetings that your manager or their managers may have attended.

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