Fabio Maglieri

Fabio Maglieri

Country Manager DACH, Voyado


Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHJuly 5
Interesting one. On the one hand side change is the only constant, but no one likes changes because it means uncertainty. Therefore try to replace the fear of uncertainty with the desire to create something new, something better (with your product). Build up a story on where they will be like in 1-2 years with your products instead of sticking to the existing one. Make them want this future and explain why only you can build this future.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
Evaluate the readiness of the opportunity by adhering to your sales methodology. Evaluate general potential of prospects by understanding your solutions fit to the strategy and challenges of the prospect. Define how many time you want to invest in short-term and long-term prospects and follow this as a guidance on how to invest your time.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
It should all begin by understanding the motifs of the person you are talking to. First,you need to anwer the most important question: "What's in it for them?". It might be that personal goals may not be the same as company goals. But there are general aspects that may help you handle objections. Costs: Generate reliable business cases (either generic based on previous projects or backed by prospect's numbers) that justify investment Time: Describe what the outcome of doing nothing would be. Resources: Discover ways of leveraging partners.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
Create excitementy by telling stories that customers can relate to. Use real-life examples and link them to customers' challenges. Make them wanna change the current situation by describing the implications of doing nothing and paint a picture of a better life with your solution. Be optimistic and ambitious, but do not lie. Break down the process of achieving the desired outcome into SMART steps. Use your internal resources to make it reality.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
Good question, timing is crucial to respect execs short span of attention. You and your champion should feel comfortable answering following questions before approaching execs: Why do anything? Why do it now? Identify relevant pain linked to strategic initiative Describe outcome if they do nothing Discover impact that your solution has backed by solid value assessment challenged with your champion (champion should feel comfortable enough to present the value to the execs themself) Create compelling story why limited budget and resources should be allocated to your solution specifically Try to find out specific agenda of exec and how to help them achieving it Why buy from you? Show references that resonate (same industry, same use case) Demonstrate superiority to the competition Goal of exec aligment Get management attention and approval that your solution adds value Get buy-in Budget approval Identification and elimination of potential road-blockers
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
Good question as it is important to understand specific industry challenges to tailor made your solution to your customer. The more compelling your story is the more likely you will stand out of the plethora of outbound messages customers receive daily. First of all be aware of the overall economical situation and the effects on the industry your prospect works in. Second dig deep into industry researches of consultancies and agencies to understand the specific trends and how you can help. Third it is all about researching the specific challenges of the prospect via interviews, reports and presentations.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
A vision why the rep and myself should invest time in pursuing the opportunity. This could be either helping to get a quick win or develop a big deal. Focus is crucial to tackle the dilemma of unlimited potential opportunities in enterprise sales. Better work on less well qualified opportunities than dancing on to many parties.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
Generally matching the value proposition of the solution with real existing business issues of the prospects is extremely satisfying. Engaging with customers and realizing that you are honestly solving their challenges. Make use of digital tools to reduce redundant manual tasks and use your solution's capabilities to ease the life of your customers and helping them to achieve their personal targets.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
In this case, I can only talk about tools that reps are using and not about the tools other departments use to support sales. I might not tell a secret, but sellers are somehow lazy when it comes to use and administrate tools. Therefore I try to minimize the amount of tools and see which of them really add value to closing deals. The easier they are to manage and the better they give recommendations on the next best action the better. Either is helps sellers to better identify sales-ready opportunities, closing deals faster and having a proper forecasting accuracy.
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Fabio Maglieri
Voyado Country Manager DACHMarch 16
There should be a well-defined process on when to involve internal resources. But of course sales is a dynamic process and you should allow alternations. Depending on the sales stage and maturity of the opportunity you should be able to qualify more precisely. If you lack information create events that answer questions and involve internal experts that can help you and your prospect answering the questions in a way that helps you to progess the opportunity.
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Credentials & Highlights
Country Manager DACH at Voyado
Top Sales Mentor List
Sales AMA Contributor
Knows About Proof of Concepts Tactics, Pipeline Management, Enterprise Sales, Deal Strategy