Joe Abbott

Joe Abbott

VP of Product Marketing, Brex
Marketing leader and strategy consultant with a decade of experience in B2B SaaS. Led marketing at Ramp ($8.1B valuation); grew revenue 10x to $120M+ in 18 months. Led platform marketing at Zendesk; created a new category of CRM platform. Early hi......more


Joe Abbott
Joe Abbott
Brex VP of Product MarketingJune 23
Competitive research is a critical step before you even start your messaging and positioning exercise — I see it as an input rather than an output. I have a few favorite messaging frameworks and usually combine my favorite elements into one. Geoffrey Moore's classic FOR...WHO...PROVIDES...UNLI......Read More
Joe Abbott
Joe Abbott
Brex VP of Product MarketingJune 23
This is a really great question. For stealth products that are competitive in your sales cycle, it's worth asking your sales team to try to gather information from prospects that are evaluating your competitors.  Alternatively, you can dig around the internet - suprisingly, Twitter threads and......Read More
Joe Abbott
Joe Abbott
Brex VP of Product MarketingJune 23
Ideally, your brand positioning pillars are unique enough individually or in combination with each other that competitive positioning is baked in. Effectively enabling sales is about educating them on the landscape and competitive buckets (read answer above re: putting all your competitors int......Read More
Joe Abbott
Joe Abbott
Brex VP of Product MarketingJune 23
I'll start by saying - having a solid competitive positioning framework with a few buckets for your entire universe of competitors helps immensely. I think this is the only way to build a competitive function from scratch with a lean team. e.g. Competitor X, Y, and Z fit into Category A and can g......Read More
Joe Abbott
Joe Abbott
Brex VP of Product MarketingJune 23
Positioning is the DNA of your differentiation and messaging is how you bring that to life with your brand's unique personality.  Positioning establishes context (for who? what benefit or outcome?) and messaging is the way you communicate or express this unique position to your target audience......Read More
Joe Abbott
Joe Abbott
Brex VP of Product MarketingJune 23
I think the only correct answer here is not as often as we'd like :) We typically rely on good old fashioned interviews and questions can vary depending on whether it's for customer references, beta product feedback, or buyer research. So, generally point in time. Customer inputs are critic......Read More
Joe Abbott
Joe Abbott
Brex VP of Product MarketingJune 23
This one is tricky because I think there's a tendency to want to boil the ocean and do everything for every competitor. Some combination of market research and competitive win/loss analysis should help you create a few different tiers of competitors. My rule of thumb is no more than 3 competitors......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
VP of Product Marketing at Brex
Formerly Ramp, Zendesk, ThoughtSpot, Oracle
Product Marketing AMA Contributor
Studied at Stanford University
Lives In Los Angeles, CA
Hobbies include Wine, basketball, cycling
Knows About SMB Product Marketing, Vertical Product Marketing, B2B Product Marketing KPI's, Relea......more
Speaks English and Spanish