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How do you quickly convert new technologies and product capabilities into messages that resonate with your audiences?
The marketer in me always wants to answer this question with "you rely on your experience and knowledge of your category, audience, and product to help you define the best message for your audience." The scientist in me has seen evidence that your best guess is a roughly 50/50 coin flip. Ok, better than that but you're still guessing. So my answer here is experiment, experiment, experiment. Don't think of this as daunting, expensive, or even time consuming. Showing two treatments to two people and asking them to pick their favorite is an experiment in which one works better. You have to pick how much input you need to put something out in front of customers.
Once you do get it in front of customers be sure to treat that as a test as well. The best battle plans rarely make it past the first engagement. Try multiple variations of ads, use A/B testing and personalization tools on your website, never stop experimenting.
In a larger org I would recommend dedicating a team specifically to experimentation, testing everything from design and user experience to messaging and audience alignment.
You should start by thinking at a strategic level: What is your goal? How can you test the concept? The key is to truly meet your customers where they are and speak their language, helping them understand why your message should matter to them.
Here are a few additional areas to consider:
Deeply understand your customers and audience.
Identify key benefits and why they should matter.
Use relatable language and storytelling.
Test, and then test again.
Ultimately, deliver on the value you promise to your customers.