How do yo promote your work outside your immediate team for awareness at a large company?
Promoting your or your teams work is really important, and often gets overlooked for fear of self-promotion, or just due to being busy doing the work. Outside of self-promotion, it is also beneficial for visibility and gaining support for your work.
Here are some easy ways to promote work, without having to create too much of a lift for yourself or your team.
Share on internal comms tools like newsletters, or dedicated slack channels
Plug into team meetings. Most teams have regular meetings, and are happy to welcome guests to promote and share content that can benefit their teams
Ask your manager and mentors to share in their channels and groups internally
Ask cross-functional partners for feedback and leverage those opportunties to share work
Don't forget to celebrate you and your teams wins - it's easy to get swept up in moving fast, but it's important to pause and celebrate as well
To have your work recognized beyond your immediate team, start by understanding the broader priorities of the company. Well-functioning organizations tend to focus on initiatives that align with the key priorities of senior leadership. When planning your work, ensure that you understand not just the stated company priorities but also the reasoning behind them. This understanding will help you make informed decisions on how best to drive results that matter.
When starting a project, identify specific KPIs that your work aims to improve and align these outcomes with the company’s strategic priorities. Be proactive in sharing your progress and seek early and ongoing buy-in from key stakeholders, particularly from the leadership team responsible for the outcomes you want to influence. Before beginning any project, secure clear agreement from your leadership and key stakeholders that your work aligns with your team’s goals and the company’s overall objectives.
Once you have that buy-in, set reasonable deadlines and consistently deliver measurable results. If your work isn’t achieving the expected outcomes, it’s important to acknowledge why your initial hypothesis may have been incorrect and adjust your approach accordingly. By consistently identifying initiatives that matter to the company’s strategic priorities and delivering or adjusting based on measurable outcomes, you will build credibility over time and increase the likelihood that your work will be recognized and valued across the organization.
Finally, try to get explicit buy-in from your management and other teams that you're supporting to recognize work that's well done. If you have supportive management that also understands how important it is to encourage great work and you're delivering meaningful results, you're much more likely to be recognized for outstanding work. Now good luck getting that well-deserved recognition!