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How do you decide between the core vs. the non core offerings when doing messaging?
When deciding between which offerings to surface in messaging, I consider these factors:
Target audience: What do they care about and why?
Differentiators: What does our solution uniquely offer?
Customer sentiment: What are users most excited about?
The answers to these questions help me hone in on the value I’d highlight to pique the curiosity of potential customers!
At its core, the decision between emphasizing core vs. non-core offerings in messaging boils down to alignment with your product's positioning. Remember, the goal is to create a cohesive narrative that reinforces your positioning. Every message you send should contribute to the overall story you're telling about your product and its value to customers.
Essentially, there are three types of new product capability innovations:
Positioning-creating: These are game-changers. They fundamentally alter how customers perceive your product or even the entire category. Your messaging should boldly spotlight these innovations, using them to establish a new, dominant position in the market.
Positioning-advancing: These innovations build upon your existing strengths and reinforce your current position. They enhance your value proposition and demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement. Your messaging should highlight how these advancements further solidify your leadership and differentiation.
Non-core: These innovations, while potentially valuable, don't directly tie into your core positioning. They might appeal to specific customer segments or offer additional benefits, but they don't fundamentally change how customers perceive your product. In your messaging, these should be treated as supplementary benefits, not the main focus.