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How is your PMM team structured?
I structure my PMM teams based on a blend of the following:
- What are the goals of the PMM team
- How the PMM team will be measured (this is related to how the company regards the PMM team)
- What is the vision of an ideal PMM team
I believe in an end-to-end approach to Product Marketing. Some companies focus primarily on outbound PMM while some companies emphasize inbound PMM - I like my PMM team to cover both.
Additionally, it depends on the headcount allocation and who is already on the team. I’ve been able to build a PMM team from scratch before (pitched a proposal to our CMO and got 3 HC to start). I’ve also inherited a PMM team, which has its own set of challenges and I’ve also been able to grow my PMM team to get closer to my ideal state.
Structurally, I think it’s important to have someone with a keen interest in product innovation so they can cover the inbound PMM function. It’s also crucial to have someone who is creative, enjoys writing and editorial work, as that covers the outbound PMM scope. Then, the rest is dependent on the size of my team, the skills of the team members and whether customer marketing sits with Marketing or CS.
This is a tough topic/question as PMM teams can be structured in INFINITE ways. A lot depends on company size, company goals, your product counterpart and that team's structure, and the needs of the GTM team.
Currently, my PMM team matches up with specific PMs in a ~2.5:1 ratio, I try to match PMM > Product, so they are the go to person on that offering.
I also have a PMM focused on Launch and Process, they are responsible for helping define the process of bringing products to market and helping program manage any tier 1 or 2 launches.
I then have PMMs handle auxiliary projects or offerings (think unique services or differentiators that may not have a clear "product owner"). This might be a full time role or side of the desk project depending on the company priorities at that time
Enablement and Market Intelligence are also on my team currently and I've had customer marketing in the past.
The common theme is I want everyone on my team involved in the most impactful, challenging, cross-functional projects at the company!