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I would love to take classes on pricing and strategy. Any recommendations? These can be multi-week long classes as well as day long seminars. I am senior product marketing professional looking to strengthen my skill set.
Me too! I was, uh, lucky enough to study Economics in college then spend 15 years in the financial services industry. This gave me a really solid background in research and quantitative analysis. While I haven't taken it, I have heard excellent things about the Reforge Monetization + Pricing course.
Many things can be learned outside of class. Here's a super condensed list of reading material I highly recommend. They're not all directly related to pricing & packaging, but have informed how I think and should be understood, especially from the perspective of PMM:
- The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, Thomas Nagle
- Monetizing Innovation, by Madhavan Ramanujam
- To Sell is Human, Daniel Pink
- Payoff, Dan Ariely
- Never Split The Difference, Christopher Voss
- Obviously Awesome, April Dunford
Also, read the content from Patrick Campbell (Price Intelligently), Lincoln Murphy (SixteenVentures ), and Kyle Poyar (OpenView ) and listen to Zuora's Subscribed podcast
The Professional Pricing Society (PPS) offers courses and a formal certifcation program - Certified Pricing Professional (CPP).
Their course offerings include topics like:
- Core Pricing Skills
- Best Practices in Pricing Analytics
- Value Based Pricing and Value Modeling \
- Best Practices for Pricing Execution
- Pricing and Corporate Strategy
- ... (and a bunch of others)
Pramatic Institute (formerly Pragmatic Marketing) also offers Pricing courses (https://www.pragmaticinstitute.com/courses/price). Analyst/Advisory firms like SiriusDecisions (now part of Forester) also offer pricing courses (https://siriusdecisionslearning.com/products/pricing-packaging-siriuspathway). Also, most business schools offer courses in pricing that may be available to non-full-time students.
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I personally really enjoy the Pragmatic Marketing courses. They just debuted a pricing course not too long ago that I thought was pretty interesting. I highly recommend any of their courses!
Hi There,
When I was in your position trying to get my mind around Pricing, I faced the same challenge.
I do not think there is a decent course on software pricing out today - they are either too theoretical or too much about analytics models.
I do however refer to Tom Tunguz's blogs and articles for his simplicity and clarity on the topic of pricing.
You might want to read my book on the topic, linked here .
Finally, if I get enough interest/demand I might run a course myself in the next quarter. Please indicate your interest in this form .