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What's your product launch process for the tiny product improvements? How do you achieve to bundle them in one?

Reshma Iyer
Reshma Iyer
Prepared Head of MarketingMay 24

The tiering system has really helped establish how much marketing force will be applied. For tiny improvements, the process can range from nothing to a small cross functional team executing on the launch plan for e.g., if a version change is being pushed which does not impact the end user, this can be captured in the change log. However, if a big update is being pushed live, communicating this with the dev team is good practice.

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Jeff Rezabek
Jeff Rezabek
IRONSCALES Director of Product MarketingJune 10

When a product launch only contains small product improvements, consider bucketing them into a tier 3 (or your lowest launch tier). This launch tier should include activities that focus mostly on partner / customer communication but may exclude inbound activities (marketing emails, blogs, press releases, etc.)

Focus on the value the small release provides to the end users and include that in your messaging. Make sure to enable your field (sales and CS teams) so they are aware and can speak to the benefits as well.

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