How do sales key stakeholders from other departments change as your company grows?
My old CRO always said, "If you're at a company that isn't hiring or growing, you're at the wrong company." Harsh, but true.
Key stakeholders from other departments will consistently change as your company grows. Maybe some people move on or maybe some people get let go in today's world. It's always important to meet someone new at your company at least twice per month. This won't kill your productivity and sometimes they teach you something new that you can use with your team! Or, they might know someone in their network they can introduce you to. Get to know new hires as a person and be approachable if they have random questions. Find something relevant that you can send them that helps their career as they progress with their goals inside your organization.
Like anything, as a company grows, priorities change.
It's hard to say how Key Stakeholders from other departments change (in this example) but in every growing business I've ever been a part of, what really matters is alignment to the mission.
If Stakeholders' roles are impacted because the mission is evolving, this is where you'll see big moves or changes across the stakeholder landscape.
Stay close to the stakeholders who have a clear understanding of the mission, and make sure its the same mission your C-Suite is aligning the company against. These are the people you'll want to align yourself with as a company grows/changes as they're the ones who will see you're commitment in the face of uncertainty (change is always uncertain) and they'll likely call you up for a chat to see how you can be used knowing that unwavering commitment to the big picture is valuable.
Sales stakeholders can come from any department within an organization and as the company grows, their input is key to sales success. A few examples may be:
Product Teams: aligning sales strategies with new offerings and/or customer feedback
Marketing: greater integration for cohesive messaging and lead gen
Customer success: ensuring client satisfaction and retention
External partners: distributors, resellers, support partners can help expand market reach
The best method to building and maintaining relationships with your stakeholders is to regularly communicate with them. Show appreciation for their support, inform them of changes, address their concerns and involve them in key decisions that may impact their area of the business. Creating trust and consistent communication will help build, or strengthen, your relationships.