Tyler Will

Tyler Will

VP, Sales Operations, Intercom


Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
We are still in the early days of this at Intercom but there are a few things we have introduced recently that I think all companies would benefit from. 1. Forecasting / opportunity management: Nearly every sales tool we use (Salesforce, Gong, Clari, Outreach) includes some predictive ana......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
We use three tools for data and reporting: CRM (Salesforce), Clari, and Tableau. We also have Snowflake for the data warehouse but that's run by the Data Eng team in service of many teams beyond my Sales Ops team. Each of these serves a distinct purpose for us: 1. CRM(Salesforce): We do found......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
We track 10-15 metrics closely at any time, but the ones that I think are most interesting to see the health of the business and identify where we should take action (either fix a problem or drive more growth) are below: 1. ARR/Revenue - how much revenue is the business as a whole generating.......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
I think about forecasting and making it effective in three large areas: (1) process, (2) tools/models, and (3) data. Without getting each of those right, no "perfect model" will make forecasting great. My experience forecasting at Intercom is different from what we did at LinkedIn so it's importa......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
For internally generated data, I work with my team and the sales leaders to (1) set clear expectations, (2) reinforce the expectations, and (3) make it as easy as possible to meet the expectation. For external data sources, we work closely with other teams (Marketing Ops, Finance) to optimize our......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
Maybe this is too simplistic of an answer, but the more you can standardize the output and keep it consistent from week to week or month to month, the easier it is to automate. My team works on a number of recurring reporting activities and we (and our partners on other teams) have really pushed ......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
Being able to point to initiatives driven by RevOps insights, in my opinion, is a good indicator of a healthy and productive team. If you don't have examples of this, you're probably entirely reactive and primarily producing reporting on questions other people asked of you. Here are a few in diff......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
[Copied answer from another similar question] We talk - a lot. I think RevOps/Sales Ops teams get into trouble when they build things in a bubble and don't spend time working with the consumers of the information. As a leader in RevOps or Sales Ops, you are probably already having 1:1 meetings ......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
I think there are three main areas - data hygiene, forecasting, and exec readouts - we focus on to create transparency and accountability with my Sales Ops team at Intercom. 1. Establish standards and enforce them for data hygiene - as I have described elsewhere in the AMA, we have expectat......Read More
Tyler Will
Tyler Will
Intercom VP, Sales Operations • October 24
I assume the balance you are asking about is the need for responsive/urgent reporting or other work with longer-term strategic thinking vs. just how do you get the reporting work done in ~50 hours per week. If you're struggling to get the urgent work done in ~50 hours, then you are some combinati......Read More
Credentials & Highlights
VP, Sales Operations at Intercom
Formerly LinkedIn
Top Revenue Operations Mentor List
Top 10 Revenue Operations Contributor
Lives In San Francisco, CA
Knows About Technology Management, Finance / Revenue Ops Alignment, Marketing / Revenue Ops Align......more