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How are you leveraging AI in product marketing?

Leher Pathak
Leher Pathak
OpenAI Head of Product Marketing, API PlatformAugust 15

I am constantly learning new ways to use AI to be more efficient and impactful as a PMM, just like the rest of this PMM community. A few things I've found to be helpful:

  • Product naming: I've used ChatGPT to help me come up with inspiration for product names, especially when I'm trying evoke something intangible, like a concept or feeling. (Note: ChatGPT loves being creative, so you'll definitely get some names that you make you chuckle.)

  • First drafts: Sometimes I'll ask ChatGPT to help me with a first draft of an email or a tweet. It's important to remember that ChatGPT's written drafts are only as good as the information you feed into it. So try to be as detailed as possible—you can even upload a PRD into ChatGPT to help give it context.

  • Charts: I've been really impressed with ChatGPT for creating charts. You can upload a spreadsheet directly to ChatGPT and ask it to create any kind of chart (bar chart, line graph, etc.) You can even specify the x- and y-axis and color-coding.

  • Slide visuals: While I haven't figured out how to get ChatGPT to make a slide deck for me yet, the DALL·E capabilities can really help when you need to create images for a presentation.

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Jeff Rezabek
Jeff Rezabek
IRONSCALES Director of Product MarketingSeptember 10

I'm constantly seeking new ways to leverage AI to help streamline my product marketing outputs. Some of the ways that I'm using AI are:

  • Content Creation: Like most marketers, I'm using GPT to assist in first drafts and revisions of blog posts, webpages, case studies, and more. However, it still requires a human touch to clean up and make it more human.

  • SEO Optimization: I created a GPT that will take a list of keywords and suggest an SEO-optimized blog title, outline, and more. You can also drop a blog draft into the GPT, which will suggest additional SEO best practices and write an SEO-optimized meta description.

  • Enablement: I recently created another custom GPT that houses our marketing collateral and persona. When used, it can suggest and share content based on what the user is asking for, the persona profile, or the talking points of a call. It can also suggest a follow-up message.

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Increasing Sales Effectiveness through Enablement
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