Question Page

How do you track internal adoption of sales enablement?

Dave Kong
Dave Kong
Cohere Head of Product MarketingJanuary 16

I'd break this question out into two separate ones: 1) How do you track internal adoption of sales enablement content? and 2) How do you track internal adoption of sales enablement?

1) How do you track internal adoption of sales enablement content? (heard quite often)

If you have a tool (e.g. CMS, other platform, intranet, etc.),

  • Most tools will have several metrics built-in or capable of being extended:
    • Clicks / Downloads
    • Social Feedback
    • Comments
    • Reports

If you don't have a tool,

  • Sales surveys / training surveys
  • Ad-hoc reporting

2) How do you track internal adoption of sales enablement? (the actual question)

Content is a piece of the story, but are just indicators to business impact.

During GTM Launch 

  • Certification (e.g. pitch, demo, solution-ing, etc.)
  • If no certification, sales survey / ad hoc feedback

GTM Post-Launch 

  • Indicators: revenue, attach rate, content metrics (see above), etc. (based on your GTM goals)
  • Win/Loss analysis
  • Sales survey / ad hoc feedback
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Calvina Cheng
Calvina Cheng
Suki AI Head of Product MarketingFebruary 22

I meet with the sales leaders and sit with the AEs on a regular basis to understand what’s useful, how they’re using the enablement materials, and where the gaps are. Even though sometimes we think we’ve done a ton of training on a certain topic (new feature launch, competitor), if it’s not relevant for sales in the moment, they might not remember the training or that we even have certain assets to help them. At that point, PMM can join smaller team meetings to review material and/or hold another enablement session if there’s enough interest.

We also do certification on things like 1st call deck and product demos, so we know that sales is using the materials we provide them.

When it comes to tools, we’ve used Highspot in the past, which is great for tracking which enablement assets are viewed, downloaded, etc.

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Differentiating through Storytelling
Thursday, October 24 • 12PM PT
Differentiating through Storytelling
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Tina Yu
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Catlyn Origitano
Catlyn Origitano
Fivetran VP Product & Portfolio MarketingApril 13

We use Workramp for formal trainings - so we can see with that tool completion rates and if there are quizzes or assesments, how folks did on those. We have more informal training sessions called Scoops for our sales / csm team and then a Technical Scoop for our technical teams. We also hold office hours for newer, more technical product or feature releases. The overall questions and engagement - while more qualitative - help us assess how well enablement is going there.

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Molly Friederich
Molly Friederich Director of Product Marketing | Formerly Twilio, SendGridMay 25

This is tough to measure quantitatively without tooling in place to track how often collateral is used, so if that's an option for you, start there. Then be curious about what assets are used most often because they're familiar/readily available, and what assets are actually the most strategic.

Without tooling, the goal is to create regular (e.g., quarterly) opportunities for your sales team to provide feedback on what they use and why. This doubles as an opportunity to reinforce everything that's available, how it maps to core positioning and messaging priorities, and gather ideas for high-impact new assets!

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Savita Kini
Savita Kini
Cisco Director of Product Management, Speech and Video AIJanuary 19

In addition to the above, since most companies are already using SFDC, there is a feature/plug-in SFDC - called altify where you could align content for sales based on type of accounts / segments etc which would include all the things they might need for a successful first conversation - slides, 2 pager, challenger framing (if you are using challenger methodology), vertical insights etc. This is almost like "just-in-time" sale enablement. 

We were close to implementing it at Brocade with Sales and marketing leaders coming together. It was discontinued because of the acquisition. Would have been awesome to see it come to life. 

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