Grant Glaser

Grant Glaser

Director, Sales Leader Excellence Coach, Salesforce


Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
I enjoy companies that operate from a set of core values & principles. Step one is to call out learning as core to the business's success. Next, you should consider: * Praising knowledge sharing * Driving a learning culture from the top-down * Offering easy ways for people to share their learnings * Embedding learning where sellers & leaders need it most
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
There needs to be a problem to solve. Begin by finding out what problem exists. Then, * Create a clear problem statement * Define the current vs. desired future state * Outline KPIs/metrics you want the program to impact * Build an MVP to shop around with sellers & sales leaders * Ensure you have sponsorship & buy-in from your sales leaders & teams * Deliver the program * Capture feedback * Iterate & repeat
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
You'll get many enablement requests from a vast number of sources. I recommend triaging using this flow: * Inbound request for enablement * Substantiate with data (where & when possible) * Identify outcomes to measure & impact * Understand if the gap is: skill, will, or knowledge * Define learning outcomes * Decide if the program is necessary * Execute the program * Capture feedback * Report back findings
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
Sales is an ever-evolving sport and there is no sitting on your laurels if you want to stay ahead. Companies are constantly on the look-out for cutting edge technology to train & tune sales skills, increase industry knowledge, and show-up well in-front of customers. Adoption of new tools, tactics, & strategies include: * Understanding the role of AI in sales interactions * Finding ways to uncover customer pain-points before hearing it directly from a prospect/client * Staying on top of best-in-class sales methodologies (or often creating their own) * Leveraging a simple, clear, and efficient sales process that maps to the buying journey of clients
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
Getting feedback from sales (both leaders & sellers) is crucial. It'll help you assess success, relevance, and what you need to focus on next. It's easy to skip over & move onto the next project so make sure to prioritize feedback collection for every campaign, workshop, and training you support or lead. Easy ways to collect feedback: * Create short (10 or less) question surveys in a tool like Survey Monkey or GetFeedback * Schedule brief calls w/ a group of leaders & sellers post-enablement * Create a steering committee of engaged sellers & leaders who act as feedback loops during creation, execution, and follow-up
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
Many of the large research firms (ex: Gartner) and other smaller societies exist. They put out interesting reports, whitepapers, and findings that showcase new enablement technology, sales trends, and changes in the learning space. I'd recommend: * Check-out new & topical books * Subscribe or review these firms/sites from time to time * Join a community (Slack or LinkedIn) with like-minded folks
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
One word: outcomes. Sales enablement should (and needs to be) tightly aligned to business objectives & desired outcomes of the business/sales organization. When you tie learning programs to tangible outcomes & KPIs, you get more accurate success measures. This translates to happy learners and happy business units: win-win.
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
Great question & cross-functional support is paramount to success. My best recommendation: * Find common areas of overlap or shared interest * Align on the outcomes you both want to impact * Setup a 'stand-up' cadence (weekly/bi-weekly) On more extensive efforts, a project manager can be helpful. For smaller steps, stay aligned on an end goal, divide & conquer workstreams, and hold one another accountable.
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
Without feedback, you're building & delivering learning in a vacuum and not setting yourself up for success. To mitigate this: * Collect feedback early & often * Send a 5 question (or less) survey after a learning module * Host a debrief where learners can provide topical feedback in-person (or remotely) * Take the feedback & make meaningful changes & tweaks to your training & programs * Repeat each time there is a significant change - better, better, never best
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Grant Glaser
Salesforce Director, Sales Leader Excellence CoachJanuary 10
Begin by baselining critical metrics for new seller success. It could be things like: time to first deal, deal velocity, time to pipeline, etc. Then: * Divide new sellers into 'cohorts' * Measure their metrics against more tenured seller cohorts * Understand trends that support or refute your hypotheses * Draw correlation where you see it to infer if your programs are working Causation is near impossible but with large enough data-sets, you can find correlations & trends that will help explain and direct future learning.
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Credentials & Highlights
Director, Sales Leader Excellence Coach at Salesforce
Top Sales Mentor List
Sales AMA Contributor
Knows About Sales Enablement, SMB Sales, Developing Your Sales Career, Pipeline Management, Enter...more
Work At Salesforce
Senior Technical Product Marketing Manager
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