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How do you measure the success of a product launch, and what key performance indicators (KPIs) do you track?

How do you roll reporting this up to the leadership team?
2 Answers
Lindsey Weinig
Lindsey Weinig
Twilio Director of Product MarketingNovember 9

Best case, I partner with the product team to define the core KPI(s) for a product launch. Often product adoption is the goal of the launch, but sometimes a product is launched with other intentions like decreasing churn or increasing revenue through other product/feature adoption. Depending on the nature of the product, KPIs may include new signups for free trials, paid upgrades, add-on purchases/total value, NPS, or active users of the new product that was launched.

I also like to measure KPIs across marketing activities associated with the product launch in order to continuously improve. This can include email engagement, advertisement and social impressions, landing page traffic and blog post views etc. It's helpful to gather and benchmark these metrics to determine the most successful activation activities driving the core KPI(s) that should be considered for future launches with the same/similar core KPI(s) and target buyer or user.

Stuart Pitts
Stuart Pitts
Meta Senior Product Marketing Leader, VR/MR/AR PortfolioNovember 18

One of the things we can do as product marketers to elevate the role we contribute to the organization is to orchestrate goaling across all dimensions of a product or program launch.

For example - instead of thinking only about the unique KPIs that you may be driving as a PMM, what is the total set of outcomes and KPIs that must be monitored to determine the success of a launch (for example)? Are these outcomes and KPIs connected? Are the right directly responsible individuals defined and coordinated for each outcome and KPI? Are there outcomes or KPIs that are missing resources - to deliver, monitor, or both?

Tactically, these KPIs can range from:

  • Public perception (often comms, brand, marcom tactics)

  • Product trial (often marketing and product tactics)

  • Product adoption/engagement (often PMM and product tactics)

  • Product retention (often PMM and product tactics)

  • Product revenue generation (often Sales, PMM, marketing, and product tactics)

  • Product love and fandom (often PMM, marketing, product tactics)

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