How do you define Enterprise Customer Success? How do you think about measuring the health of an Enterprise customer against other cohorts?
1 Answer
Board Member and Advisor • April 12
Enterprise Customer Success is the act of guiding enterprise customers through the customer journey to maximize ROI. It is the best and only way to fulfill the promises of the first sale, leading to renewals and earning the right to expansion.
All CS practices measure things like:
Licenses assigned
Log ins
Usage of features
Tickets submitted
Enterprise practices will also look at these factors to determine health:
Is the relationship multithreaded at all levels?
Is the customer reporting back their end results (which often lie outside your solution)?
Is the customer open to building a Center of Excellence?
Is the customer speaking about us to peers?
Are the results of our product in alignment with corporate goals?
Top Customer Success Mentors

Nicole Alrubaiy
Jellyfish Senior Vice President, Customer Success

Meenal Shukla
Gainsight Senior Director of Customer Success

Conor Holmes
Confluent Director, Customer Success EMEA

Oliver Nono
Zendesk Interim RVP, Customer Success

Rebecca Warren
Eightfold Director, Customer Success

John Brunkard
Salamander Advisory Senior Associate, Customer Success Practice

Matt Kiernan
HubSpot Senior Director, Customer Success

Ben Terrill
Brex Senior Director, Customer Success

Michael Maday
Gainsight Senior Director, Customer Success

Natasha Evans
Hook Head of Customer
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