Kexin Chen

Kexin Chen

Vice President, C-Suite Marketing, Salesforce


Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
In terms of defining success, more top line KPIs are aligned to the targets set for pipeline and ACV (annual contract value) and my team's marketing contribution. Since my team focuses on building new C-Suite relationships for a set global list of top accounts, we're able to measure and hold ourselves accountable to the ability to drive new C-Suite relationships and expand our footprint within the top accounts. Qualitatively I also check in with my key stakeholders to ensure my teams are aligned to their top priorities.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
The audience I target are primarily Fortune 500 C-Suite. In this case, we take an account first approach and weigh events more heavily than digital in our marketing plans. For integrated marketing plans, bringing in the functional experts to inform the strategy from the start is critical. Generally I recommend having a clearly articulated goal/vision with clearly articulated outcomes of success. Then opening the space for ideation to build the strategy jointly helps create the initial alignment needed for your demand gen strategy.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
For historically tense relationships, one of my coaches has given me a fantastic framework: 1. Take a step back and request time to address your relationship. Request the time to discuss this so they aren't blindsided and have time to think about what they'd want to share. 2. In the meeting, both sides share a rating of 1-10 with 10 being an incredible relationship, where they stand. Have a discussion on how to raise the rating and what is needed from both ends. Be vulnerable and share where your challenges have existed and the stories you're telling yourself. 3. Agree on a cadence for check-ins and ensure you're both committed and celebrate the stronger relationship.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
I think the best way to gain insights from internal stakeholders is to: 1. Ask them directly. It's easy to jump into transactional work and I like to have an initial meeting where I spend a few minutes to understand their priorities, how they define their personal and team's success, how they see our teams partnering and how they like to be kept up to speed on projects? I like to state my personal communication preferences as a way to get a gauge on what I may need to alter about my style based on their feedback. 2. If I don't have an opportunity ask them directly, I often will see if I can meet with the Executive Assistant or others within their team who can provide some of the insights mentioned above.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
As a marketer, knowing your audience is critical. Internal stakeholders are no different. I view them as your internal audience. Generally, I will schedule an initial kick off call to learn their priorities, areas of concern/learnings if it is a run rate program, and their communication preferences. Getting specificity and clarity on the role they'd like to play the expectations they have on how they'll stay up to date on the project are critical to your and the project's success. I tend to over communicate initially and will double check with statements like: "since we're new working together, are these updates at the altitude you'd like? Anything else top of mind?"
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
For sales and marketing alignment, I find understanding their core KPIs and joining their regular leadership cadence meetings allows you to understand the top of mind challenges/priorities. As you see how pipeline is progressing and the health of the business from the field leadership calls, you're able to then adjust marketing campaigns and programs to deliver on the short term gaps and plan for the long range planning needs.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
A successful integrated marketing plan takes a village of marketers across a myriad of functions and specialties. When there are unclear swim lanes, I tend to like to address where the confusion lies and build a slide that defines the RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, informed). If this doesn't help resolve, then I also request to sit down with the partner and document out the process. Often times, I find the confusion in ownership lays in mis-alignment on definitions of certain commonly used terms and the process itself.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
You don't need anyone to report into you to be successful in leading a program/initiative/campaign. My recommendation of aligning to stakeholders also stands with collaborators. I recommend an initial meeting to get to know each other and communication preferences including their preferences on receiving feedback. If time permits, setting up a 1:1 cadence to ensure you have a regular touch base can make it easier to deliver feedback and influence prioritization. As the project milestones are hit, I always recommend having them personally showcase their work when possible or ensuring they are specifically called out on updates regarding the work product they've produced. This helps motivate the group to prioritize projects, particularly if they're high visibility.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingApril 26
In preparation for a launch, I like to consider the key milestones and create a workback plan that includes who we need to update and when. To help ensure there is strong documentation, we often create a single source of truth deck and project plan that allows us to keep all of the most pertinent information in one place for all cross functional teams to reference. As one of the key kick off meetings with stakeholders, I like to review the milestone work back plan and ensure we're capturing any expectations they have on how we keep them updated.
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Kexin Chen
Kexin Chen
Salesforce Vice President, C-Suite MarketingFebruary 14
I'm pretty loyal and like to spend a few years at a company since I believe it takes at least 3 years to settle and see your impact to fruition. I'm at a Fortune 500 and still the fruits of my labor are finally unfolding from work I put in place 6 years ago. For this reason, my general framework is: 1. What am I looking to do 2 roles from now? Helps me get out of a specific time frame and more focused on what I aspire to be doing and the skill sets I need to learn to get there. 2. Is there opportunity to learn and grow within my current company to gain the skill sets I need for that next role? If so, I likely will stay. It's easier to lean on the internal network you've built than starting from scratch. I focus on sharing with my management and stakeholders where I aspire and the skillsets I need to learn to ensure I am intentionally moving towards that path. If the growth opportunity doesn't exist to learn the skill sets you want at your current company, decide how long of a timeline you want to wait to see if anything changes before you actively pursue new opportunities and go. 3. Assess and have a pulse on the market. I like to take a recruiter's call at least once a year. Even if I'm not interested in a new job, I think it's helpful to understand your value in the market. It also often leads to fun conversations with counterparts of yours at other companies. I also find that it helps reinvigorate my commitment and loyalty to my current company because along the way, it's a reminder of how great your current role and company is. 4. I am a hyper rational person. When it comes to big decisions that I've written extensive pros and cons lists about, my executive coach challenges me to close my eyes, envision each scenario if it has already occurred and see how I feel. Based on the feelings, go with that route.
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Credentials & Highlights
Vice President, C-Suite Marketing at Salesforce
Top Demand Generation Mentor List
Top 10 Demand Generation Contributor
Knows About Influencing the C-Suite, Stakeholder Management, Product Marketing / Demand Gen Align...more