What suggestions would you have for a seasoned product marketer to successfully transition to a sales enablement role?
I love the idea of a product marketer pivoting into a sales enablement role and here is why: much of sales enablement is about improving messaging and measurement of trainings so they can be reinforced or iterated. A product marketer has those skills!
Here are the transferrable skills you can brag about:
Deep understanding of products and how to translate product features into strong pitches of value
An obsession with measurement to know where things need to improve
Success partnering with sales leaders and AEs
What you will need to get smart about, but it isn't hard to show you've done the homework:
Research sales enablement platforms / learning platforms for running programs at scale
Especially in SMB, form an opinion on sales coaching via AI-powered call recording systems so you could be a valuable coach to sales managers on how to improve call performance
Design an enablement program from planning through building through delivery into measurement and iteration
Deeply learn the KPIs a sales leader cares about and get smart about how you would support improvements. Generally those KPIs are pipeline volume (are there enough deals to support success?), stage conversion rates (which part of the sales funnel falls short of benchmarks so the AE can improve where they are weak), ACV (sell more licenses per deal? discount less? sell more of the suite?).
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