How do you stay up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies for demand generation?
I wish I had a magic wand for you here. Honestly, I voraciously consume content to stay on top of trends and tech. You might be surprised just how much is out there and available. When I hear about a new tech or new company the first place I go is YouTube to try to learn about it. Most companies have a YouTube channel demoing their tools. I also ask questions of other marketers, NEVER be afraid to ask questions, I meet so many people who think they have to go it alone. Why? Join a community like Pavillion, or a group on LinkedIn, or a sub-Reddit. There are also TONS of great websites and blogs to follow, newsletters to follow, etc. Stay connected with as many of them as you can and make it fun for you to stay ahead. If you are passionate about mastering your craft you'll develop your own mix to stay ahead.
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