Jack Wei

Jack Wei

Head of Marketing, Sendbird
General management skillset with focus on product and brand marketing | Ex-Founder | Marketing leader at venture backed start-ups


Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
I go back to ensuring that the team structure is aligned to business objectives and associated KPIs. My company does have aggressive sales, customer satisfaction, and product adoption metrics (spans across the board) so I like to structure the team accordingly. I'll use a buyer journey framework to illustrate my ideal state team structure given these objectives (moving from top to bottom of funnel): 1. Content Marketer: Focuses on creating top of funnel assets to drive demand & support category creation 2. Technical PMM: Partners with our platform and alliances team to create mid-funnel assets and target a new persona, drive new business 3. PMM - Core and Launches: Subject matter expert of our main product, focusing on quarterly and ongoing product releases, drive activation 4. PMM - Add-ons: Subject matter expert of a group of add-on products, drive attach rate and category creation 5. Product Marketing associate/analyst: Support across to gain experience/ownership, build data-driven muscle Other roles not technically PMM, but on team: * Customer marketer * Lifecycle marketer * Advocacy & community manager * Marketing designer 1 * Marketing designer 2
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
There are dfinitely many directions to take. I'll try to distill down to two metrics across external & internal GTM KPIs: External * Leads, or Revenue within X days of launch * Activation/adoption within X days of launch Internal * Stakeholder satisfaction (survey) * GTM on time delivery, asset readiness The X in days depends on the type of business you're in. For B2C you'll focus on MRR and shorter conversion cycles, likely within the first 15-30 days. For B2B align it with your avg sales cycle for prospects and 75% of the time for customer add-ons.
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoMarch 11
Welcome to the fun world of Enablement! And there are internal + external aspects of this. * External * Message x Value & benefits: What's in it for your users? Migration is a pain in the ass. Before you get to the logistics, you have to sell them on the why * Transition plan: What's the step-by-step guide? Is it one size fits all, or does it require different approaches for different types of users? These need to be documented and clearly laid out. * Timing & cadence: Give your customers enough time to make the changes. I'll leave the communications format, channels, and cadence up to you (but this is never a one-and-done exercise). For example, don't expect one email to the entire database to yield good results or high customer satisfaction. * Internal * Is an Enablement team in place at your company? If so, great! Loop them in early on customer enablement plans and they'll be able to position that for your internal folks. If not... * Message x Value & benefits: Why is this change important to communicate and will it help your team sell more & better? Sell the change internally. * Transition plan: Leverage what's built for customers and share it widely internally so that every customer-facing team is aware. Roadshow it in team meetings, mention it at all hands, set up office hours to give your colleagues the opportunity to ask questions and poke holes. * Timing & cadenece: Keep internal teams updated on the customer comms plan. In B2B sales, give your CSM team the opportunity to send 1:1 messages while marking takes care of the 1:many.
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
This ties back to business objectives (corporate level KPIs), and how your team / individual role & responsibility is structured against those objectives. You'll often see that, depending on the company stage and maturity, PMM will skew towards alignment with either Product OR Sales. But it's rarely perfectly positioned in the middle. * Let's say your business has an aggressive product growth target... well then you're likely to staff a PMM that'll specialize in launches, or maybe even a lifecycle marketer (the next hottest role after PMM in marketing, I might add). In that case the metric to hold this particular PMM accountable to is: Activation, adoption, or engagement rate within the first 5, 10, 30 days post-launch -- something to that effect. * On the other hand, if there is a clear sales target, then you could have the PMM aligned to: Revenue, win rate, close rate, ASP, etc. I recommend to stick with 1 metric wherever possible to not muddy the water. And again, enure alignment with the business objective and take advantage of the fact that most PMM teams get a comprehensive view of the business and can position against critical initiatives (and associated metrics).
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
Ultimately, the change in win rate against that particular competitor before vs. after your CI project. There are sub goals and metrics to unpack here: * QoQ change in the competitor features & functions, and messaging * The pace at which your product team is able to ship against new intel * PM survey results on the usefulness of your CI program This may be a controversial statement, but after seeing CI programs run out of Product, PMM, and Ops at different companies, I think the actual research work belongs in Product -- they're the true owners of what's being scoped and built, and should be invested in delivering a better product. PMM can stil own the pricing/packaging/messaging piece.
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
Maybe this is a better question for my team. For me, I think it's the opposite. KPIs are valuable for me as a PMM because, through all the noise and new requests/projects that I inevitably get in a specific period of time, I can pull my head out of the weeds and make sure I'm moving towards that targeted KPI. It helps to bring measurable meaning to my work. Due to the fact that PMMs don't have "direct impact" on key biz metrics like revenue or renewal/upsell/churn, the value perceived by other teams/management isn't always tied to a black and white number, or at least it doesn't stay there. When I've evaluated PMMs with executives in the room, they always bring a ton of anecdotal comments even and quickly move beyond hard performance ratings on paper.
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
I must ask back: in what context? Because PMM can flex its priorities and alignment towards Product vs. Sales vs. Customer Success (or even Marketing demand gen/comms, I go back do ensuring that whatever KPI is set supports a top 3 corporate objective that the C-Suite cares about. If you forced me to point to a specific KPI, I'd pick #leads or $pipeline generated. You see this especially at smaller, early stage companies where the Marketing team is just getting built out and the team is trying to distill down to 1 KPI a few team members can get behind -- you can map the success of a new product launch... or the ability to feed sales... to top-of-funnel interest. However, I'd work backwards and instead set the KPIs to the ultimate objective vs. something in the interim. E.g., If you set the KPI as X% activation or adoption you would need signups (leads) to get there anyway. If you set the KPI as X$ revenue you would need pipe to get there anyway, etc. And this isn't a knock on the demandgen or customer marketing teams. Leads and pipe are important metrics, just not for PMM. My runner-up unimportant KPIs for PMM: # views of a particular piece of asset, followed by aggregate NPS (unless you have a very mature and built out team that can consistently cover all personas and a ton of ground).
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
My answer spans the top hard + soft skills: * Hard: Well-rounded across words and numbers. You often hear that PMMs have to be strong storytellers (framing, positioning, mesaging, writing), but the highest-performing and highest-potential PMMs I've worked with are also very analytical and comfortable with some number crunching. In the B2B space, in particular, backing up any story with inspiring message, facts, and data will do wonders. * Soft: Empathy and stakeholder management. Someone who can put others first and put him/herself in another's shoes. You often hear that PMMs must act as the voice of the customer, and that is 100% true. Add to that the ability to get other people and teams on the same page (the case for most PMM projects) will go a long way. To the people who asked this question, I'm curious -- What do the best product marketing leaders have in common?
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoJanuary 27
Having consulted for PMM teams, and built/run one from scratch, it's safe to say the areas of responsibility for any PMM is on an ever-evolving continuum. However, I see a difference between a junior PMM vs a first PMM hire... in that the first PMM hire should NOT be junior. That's not a knock on the junior role. In fact, I'm urging early stage Founders/CEOs/VP Marketing to have some semblance of a career path for PMM if your natural inclination is to maximize value from a high performing yet low cost junior PMM unicorn. It's possible, but unless that individual is truly exceptional the situation will quickly erode into lack of equity and anxiety. Why? Because it's easy to staff a PMM on any (and many) projects and not everyone can handle the load without prior exposure. To actually answer your question -- my advice to a junior PMM and first marketing hire: It was nice knowing you? Godspeed? Jokes aside, have an honest and mature conversation with your manager on the expectations if you see the mound of projects transform into a mountain overnight. A critical skill to becoming a successful PMM is stakholder management, so it ought to start early in your career whether it's with your manager, his/her boss, or your peers. Finally, don't hesitate to ask for help to prioritize when you're overwhelmed 
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Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of Marketing | Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&CoMarch 11
1. Always set a clear objective, then work backwards from there. Why is the relaunch happening? Either because the first attempts were deemed unsuccessful by some performance metric, or because there has been a pivot in the business that requires getting the product in front of a new audience (eg. change in target persona, industry, use case, business segment, pricing & packaging, etc.) 2. Build a plan against that objective. Let's say you're relaching because the first attempts did not drive enough "free trial signups" with X target audience. Great, what's the new number that the business needs, by when? Then build a time-bound launch plan needed to meet that number and timeline -- the assets that need to be created, the campaigns that need to be lined up, the product functionality that need to be confirmed, the internal/external enablement that needs to happen beforehand -- then assign out the action items. 3. To Beta or not to Beta? Launches often fall flat because of a weak hook or lack of support from existing customers. Betas are a good way of getting feedback from customers you trust (and vice versa). They are also a good way of collecting endorsements prior to general availability (full market-facing launch). Use this to your advantage if you have an existing business with customer who have shown interest. Final note: While a PMM with experience and expertise launching products is preferred, the ability to set clear objectives and build an actionable project plan isn't a skill unique to PMMs. Focus on that piece first, then pull in the right resources internally+externally to help deliver against each action on the project plan. 
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Credentials & Highlights
Head of Marketing at Sendbird
Formerly SmartRecruiters, Mixpanel, Deloitte, Beardwood&Co
Top Product Marketing Mentor List
Lives In San Francisco, CA
Knows About SMB Product Marketing, Competitive Positioning, Product Marketing KPI's, Product Laun...more